
HTML元素 - input type=submit



Creates a button that, when clicked, submits the form.


使用 VALUE 标签属性将创建无法由用户编辑的显示标签。默认的文字是 Submit Query。如果用户单击提交按钮提交了表单,并且按钮指定了 name 标签属性,那么该按钮也将以 name/value 方式成对提交。

如果 INPUT type=submit 元素是 FORM 元素的一部分,则该按钮将以粗边框显示,这代表着用户按回车就可提交表单。

如果在同一表单中有多个 INPUT type=submit 按钮,按回车键将使用第一个 INPUT type=submit 按钮提交表单,除非此时正有另一个 INPUT type=submit 按钮获得了焦点。如果另外一个 INPUT type=submit 按钮已获得焦点,按回车键将使用获得焦点的 INPUT type=submit 按钮提交表单。

此元素在 Internet Explorer 3.0 及以上版本的 HTML 和脚本中可用。



Use the VALUE attribute to create a button with a display label that cannot be edited by the user. The default label is Submit Query. If the user clicks the Submit button to submit the form, and that button has a name attribute specified, that button contributes a name/value pair to the submitted data.

If the INPUT type=submit element is part of a FORM element, it appears as a button with a dark border, which indicates the user can press ENTER to submit the form.

When there is more than one INPUT type=submit in the same form, pressing enter submits the form using the first INPUT type=submit, unless another INPUT type=submit has focus. When another INPUT type=submit has focus, pressing enter submits the form using that INPUT type=submit.

The INPUT type=submit element is available in HTML and script as of Internet Explorer 3.0.

This element is an inline element.

This element does not require a closing tag.


<input type="submit" value="提交">



button, input
