
HTML元素 - param


设置 APPLET、EMBED 或 OBJECT 元素的属性初始值。

Sets the initial value of a property for an APPLET, EMBED, or OBJECT element.



注意 由 PARAM 元素设置的属性不可由 PARAM 对象变更。

在 APPLET, EMBED 或 OBJECT 元素实例创建完成后,由 PARAM 元素设置的属性无法用 param 对象更改。要更改对象的属性,请使用由对象引出的脚本属性。

此元素在 Internet Explorer 3.0 及以上版本的 HTML 中可用。



The PARAM element is valid within the APPLET, EMBED, and OBJECT elements.

Note  Properties set by a PARAM element cannot be altered by changing the PARAM object.

After the APPLET, EMBED, or OBJECT element is instantiated, the property set by the PARAM element cannot be changed with the param object. To change the object's properties, use the script properties exposed by the object.

This element is available in HTML as of Internet Explorer 3.0.

This element is not rendered.

This element does not require a closing tag.


下面的例子显示了 Internet Explorer 数据绑定组件的 outerHTML,这样你就可以查看由 PARAM 元素指定的属性。执行这样的检查可以在调试 OBJECT 元素属性时收集信息。除非重新初始化 outerHTML 对象,否则无法编辑对象的 outerHTML 属性。

This example displays the Internet Explorer Data Binding component's outerHTML so you can view the properties assigned by the PARAM elements. You can perform this check to gather information when debugging an OBJECT element's properties. You cannot edit the object's outerHTML property without reintializing the outerHTML object.

// The OBJECT CLASSID below is for the 
// Microsoft Internet Explorer Data Binding component
// Use just the following HTML and press the button
  <PARAM NAME="DataURL" VALUE="DataBinding.csv">          
<BUTTON onclick="oTxt.value=tdcContents.outerHTML">
Show Object outerHTML</BUTTON><BR/>
<TEXTAREA ID="oTxt"  STYLE="height:400; width:450;padding:3; overflow=auto;"> </TEXTAREA>
//When the button is pressed the complete list of the object's
// PARAM elements display unformatted in the TEXTAREA as follows:
<OBJECT id=tdcContents classid=clsid:333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83>
<PARAM NAME="RowDelim" VALUE="&#10;"><PARAM NAME="FieldDelim" VALUE=",">
<PARAM NAME="TextQualifier" VALUE='"'><PARAM NAME="EscapeChar" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="UseHeader" VALUE="0"><PARAM NAME="SortAscending" VALUE="-1">
<PARAM NAME="SortColumn" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="FilterValue" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="FilterCriterion" VALUE="??"><PARAM NAME="FilterColumn" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="CharSet" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="Language" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="CaseSensitive" VALUE="-1"><PARAM NAME="Sort" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="Filter" VALUE=""><PARAM NAME="AppendData" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="DataURL" VALUE="DataBinding.csv">
<PARAM NAME="ReadyState" VALUE="4">