时间:2022-05-15 10:09:53
在Vista下,很多人都喜欢关闭UAC,这样一来,除了安全性略微削弱外,其实还有别的问题的。比如,此时,打开侧边栏就会提示“此项目由系统管理员惯例”,从而无法使用,在WIndows 7下我们也有同样的问题,那么,怎么解决呢? *WIN+R运行regedit打开注册表编辑器在Vista下,很多人都喜欢关闭UAC,这样一来,除了安全性略微削弱外,其实还有别的问题的。比如,此时,打开侧边栏就会提示“此项目由系统管理员惯例”,从而无法使用,在WIndows 7下我们也有同样的问题,那么,怎么解决呢?
If you turn off UAC as described in the previous tip, you can't use gadgets, tiny applets that run on the desktop, because Microsoft deems them a potential security threat. However, if you feel comfortable enough with that potential threat, you can use gadgets even when you've turned off UAC by following these steps.