
时间:2022-06-27 00:48:05 





  1. Thanks – Thanks for inviting me to speak with you today.

  2. Lovely – It’s lovely to be back.

  3. Nice – It’s nice to see so many people here.

  4. Passionate – I am passionate about positive words.

  5. Show – I will show you …

  6. Learn – You will learn that …

  7. Find – You will find that …

  8. Discover – I hope you will discover the marvellous properties of electrons.

  9. New – I am presenting to you some new findings on …

  10. Found – We found that there were three main areas of interest.


  1. Clearly – On this slide you will clearly see …

  2. Impressive – The results were impressive.

  3. Very – He scored very high up the rankings.

  4. Positive – This conveys a very positive message.

  5. Lot – We achieved a lot in a very short space of time.

  6. Importance – The importance of the data is that it …

  7. Cool – Here is a cool example of …

  8. Great – It received a great degree of attention.

  9. Good – This is a good example of a positive word.

  10. Marvellous – It’s marvellous that so many …

  11. Wonderful – The wonderful world of the World Wide Web …

  12. Totally – She was totally committed to the cause of …


  1. Enjoyed – I hope that you have enjoyed my presentation.

  2. Pleasure – It has been a real pleasure to be here today.

  3. Thank you – Thank you for listening to me today.



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