Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

时间:2023-08-03 12:05:13 

微软官方发布Win10 预览版10061,升级操作非常简单,但是有很多人还是不会,下面分享具体的升级攻略,下面我们一起来看看吧摘要:微软刚刚在Windows Insider项目中发布了Windows 10的最新版本build 10061,现在就可以在各个预览版中完成升级。升级操作非常简单,点击开始按钮,在搜索框中输入“Windows Update”,然后进入升级工具,点击“检查”按钮就可以获取到新版本更新的消息,在下载完成后,系统就会自动开始安装10061版。

Build 10061带来了新的透明任务栏,改进了开始菜单的排列和设置应用、行动中心的一些特性,同时对Task View以及虚拟桌面功能进行了优化,邮件和日历应用也带来了不小改进,以下是更新列表:

New Mail and Calendar apps: These new apps bring improved performance and a familiar three-pane email UI, with a toggle to quickly move between your email and calendar. Mail includes customizable Swipe Gestures, letting you swipe right or left to take actions like delete, flag, move or mark as read/unread. Also check out the new email authoring experience. Mail leverages the familiar and rich capability of Word to that allows you to easily insert tables, add pictures and use bullets and color to your text. Both the new Mail and Calendar apps support Office 365, Exchange,, Gmail, IMAP, POP and other popular accounts.

Start, Taskbar, and Action Center improvements: This build introduces the new black system theme across the Start menu, Taskbar, and Action Center. The Start menu and Taskbar now have transparency and you can also resize the Start menu. Microsoft also enabled support for AutoColor which pulls the primary color from your desktop background. In the Settings app under Personalization, you can adjust the color of Start, Taskbar, and Action Center as well as transparency. Check these settings out and let us know what you think. And based on your feedback, Microsoft has have moved the power button to the bottom left from the top right of the Start menu to make it more accessible.

Continuum improvements: The Taskbar is now more optimized for tablets. Entering Tablet Mode causes the Start button, Cortana, and the Task View buttons to all grow in size and space out to be more touchable. Items in the Notification area also widen to improve touchability. Also, pinned and running apps are removed by default to reduce clutter and simplify the experience. Start and Task View remain available for launching and switching. If you still prefer to see apps on your taskbar, there is an option under Tablet Mode in Settings to turn them back on. Window 10 also now offers a setting to boot directly into Tablet Mode. For tablets under 10 inches, this is the default behavior.

Task View improvements: Microsoft made several visual updates to Task View and they also refined the window icons, the close buttons, and the thumbnails. These improvements also apply to Alt+Tab and Snap Assist. Task View gets a new icon on the Taskbar too.

Virtual Desktop improvements: You can create as many Virtual Desktops as you d like! When you hit the limit of your display, a new overflow experience now lets you access any one of your desktops.

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光

Win10 预览版10061详细的升级攻略曝光



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