时间:2008-08-11 13:06:00
Class Cls_Template
Dim Reg
Dim Page
Dim Rule
Dim Content
Dim Template
Dim Cachetimei
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Reg = New RegExp
Reg.Ignorecase = True
Reg.Global = True
Page = 0
CID = 0
SID = 0
Rule = ""
Content = ""
Template = "" ' 模板路径
Cachetimei = -1 ' 标签缓存时间
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
'Set Reg = Nothing
End Sub
' 载入模板
Public Function Load(ByVal Templatefile)
Template = Templatefile
If Templatecache = 1 Then
If ChkCache("LoadTemplate_" & Server.Mappath(Template)) Then
Content = GetCache("LoadTemplate_" & Server.Mappath(Template))
Call Loadfile
Call SetCache("LoadTemplate_" & Server.Mappath(Template), Content)
End If
Call Loadfile
End If
End Function
' 检测SQL缓存
Function ChkCacheSQL(ByVal CacheName)
If Cachetimei <= 0 Then ChkCacheSQL = False: Exit Function
Dim CacheData
ChkCacheSQL = False
CacheName = LCase(Filterstr(CacheName))
CacheData = Application(Cacheflag & CacheName)
If Not IsArray(CacheData) Then Exit Function
If Not IsDate(CacheData(1)) Then Exit Function
If DateDiff("s", CDate(CacheData(1)), Now()) < 60 * Cachetime Then ChkCacheSQL = True
End Function
' 标签分析,有缓存有效期判断
Public Function Parser()
If Not IsNumeric(Page) Then Page = 0 Else Page = Int(Page)
Parser_My ' 自定义标签
Parser_Sys ' 系统标签
Parser_Com ' 列表标签
End Function
' 自定义标签
Public Function Parser_My()
On Error Resume Next
If GetCache("MyLableState") = "No" Then Content = RegReplace(Content, "{My:([\s\S]*?)}", ""): Exit Function
If Not ChkCache("MyLable") Then
Dim Rs
Set Rs = DB("Select [Name],[Code] From [{pre}Label]", 1)
If Not Rs.Eof Then
Call SetCache("MyLable", Rs.Getrows())
Call SetCache("MyLableState", "Yes")
Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
Call SetCache("MyLableState", "No")
Content = RegReplace(Content, "{My:([\s\S]*?)}", ""): Exit Function
End If
End If
Dim Ns, i, j
Ns = GetCache("MyLable")
Dim Matches, Match, MyValue
Reg.Pattern = "{My:([\s\S]*?)}"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Content)
For Each Match In Matches
If Len(Replace(Match.SubMatches(0), " ", "")) > 0 Then
MyValue = Lang_Parser_My_1 & " <font color=red>" & Replace(Match.SubMatches(0), " ", "") & "</font> " & Lang_Parser_My_2
For i = 0 To UBound(Ns, 2)
If LCase(Ns(0, i)) = LCase(Replace(Match.SubMatches(0), " ", "")) Then
MyValue = Ns(1, i)
If InStr(MyValue, "$$$") > 0 Then
j = Round(UBound(Split(MyValue, "$$$")) * Rnd) '随机值第一个到最后一个
MyValue = Split(MyValue, "$$$")(j)
End If
Exit For
End If
End If
Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, MyValue) ' 替换
If Err Then Err.Clear: Response.Write "<font color=red>" & Lang_Parser_My_Error & "[" & AspArr(i) & "]</font>": Response.End
End Function
' 分析系统标签
Public Function Parser_Sys()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Matches, Match, SysValue
Reg.Pattern = "{Sys:([\s\S]*?)}"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Content)
For Each Match In Matches
If InStr(LCase(Match.SubMatches(0)), "database") = 0 Then
If Len(Replace(Match.SubMatches(0), " ", "")) > 0 Then Execute ("SysValue = " & Replace(Match.SubMatches(0), " ", "")) Else SysValue = ""
SysValue = ""
End If
Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, SysValue) ' 替换
If Err Then Err.Clear: Response.Write "<font color=red>" & Lang_Parser_Sys_Error & "[" & AspArr(i) & "]</font>": Response.End
reg.pattern = "<(.*?)(src=|href=|value=)""(images/|css/|js/)(.*?)""(.*?)>"
content = reg.replace(content, "<$1$2""" & httpurl & installdir & templatedir & "/$3$4""$5>")
reg.pattern = "{tag:goto}"
content = reg.replace(content, httpurl & installdir & "redirect.asp?")
End Function
' 列表标签
'<!--commend:{ $row=10 $cid={field:cid} $mode=commend }-->..............................<!--commend-->
Public Function Parser_Com()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Matches, Match
Dim Rs, i, j
Dim Matche, BackValue
Dim TagLabs, Tagsstr, Loopstr
Dim Tag_Cache, Tag_Row, Tag_Col, Tag_Width, Tag_Class
Dim Tag_Aid, Tag_Cid, Tag_Type, Tag_Mode, Tag_Keys, Tag_Order
Dim Tag_SQL, Tag_Table, Tag_Where, Tag_Field
Reg.Pattern = "<!--(.+?):\{(.+?)\}-->([\s\S]*?)<!--\1-->"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Content)
For Each Match In Matches
TagLabs = Match.SubMatches(0) ' 标签
Tagsstr = Match.SubMatches(1) ' 属性
Loopstr = Match.SubMatches(2) ' innerText
If LCase(TagLabs) <> "page" Then ' 分页标签
' 共用属性
Tag_Cache = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "cache", True) ' 缓存时间 def:defcachetime
Tag_Row = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "row", True) ' 列数量 def:10
Tag_Col = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "col", True) ' 行数量 def:1
Tag_Width = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "width", True) '#表格宽度
Tag_Class = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "class", False) '#表格样式
Tag_Field = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "field", True) ' 所有字段
If Len(Tag_Cache) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(Tag_Cache) Then Tag_Cache = -1 ' 标签不用缓存
If Len(Tag_Row) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(Tag_Row) Then Tag_Row = 10
If Int(Tag_Row) < 1 Then Tag_Row = 1
If Len(Tag_Col) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(Tag_Col) Then Tag_Col = 1
If Int(Tag_Col) < 1 Then Tag_Col = 1
If Len(Tag_Width) = 0 Then Tag_Width = "100%"
If Len(Tag_Class) > 0 Then Tag_Class = " Class=""" & Tag_Class & """ "
If Len(Tag_Field) = 0 Then Tag_Field = "*"
Tag_Cache = Int(Tag_Cache): Tag_Row = Int(Tag_Row): Tag_Col = Int(Tag_Col)
' 内容Content专用属性
Tag_Aid = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "aid", True) ' 这个文章不显示出来
Tag_Cid = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "cid", True) ' 栏目ID,多用个,号分隔
Tag_Type = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "type", True) ' 类型: text/images def:text
Tag_Mode = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "mode", True) ' 类型(推荐,热门,相关)
Tag_Keys = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "keys", True) ' 关键字
Tag_Order = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "order", False) ' 排序 def:[id] desc[组合查询可用]
Tag_SQL = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "sql", False) ' 单独SQL查询
Tag_Table = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "table", True) ' 组合查询,表
Tag_Where = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "where", False) ' 组合查询,条件
' 默认设置
If LCase(Tag_Table) = "channel" And Len(Tag_Where) = 0 Then Tag_Where = "[FatherID]=0 And [OutSideLink]=0 And [Order]>=0"
If LCase(Tag_Table) = "channel" And Len(Tag_Order) = 0 Then Tag_Order = "[Order] Desc,[ID] Desc"
' SQL查询组合
If Len(Tag_SQL) = 0 Then
If Len(Tag_Table) > 0 Then
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = " Where " & Tag_Where & " "
If Len(Tag_Order) = 0 Then
If LCase(Tag_Table) = "channel" Then
Tag_Order = "[Order] Desc,[ID] Desc"
Tag_Order = "[ID] Desc"
End If
End If
Tag_SQL = "Select Top " & Tag_Row * Tag_Col & " " & Tag_Field & " From [{pre}" & Tag_Table & "] " & Tag_Where & " Order By " & Tag_Order ' 最终查询语句
Tag_Where = ""
If Len(Tag_Aid) > 0 Then
If InStr(Tag_Aid, ",") > 0 Then
Tag_Where = " [ID] In (" & Tag_Aid & ") "
Tag_Where = " [ID]<>" & Tag_Aid & " "
End If
End If
If Len(Tag_Cid) > 0 Then
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [Cid] In (" & Tag_Cid & ") " Else Tag_Where = " [Cid] In (" & Tag_Cid & ") "
'If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And ([Cid] In (" & Tag_Cid & ") or [Sid] in (" & tag_cid & ")) " Else Tag_Where = " ([Cid] In (" & Tag_Cid & ") or [Sid] in (" & tag_cid & ")) "
End If
If LCase(Tag_Type) = "images" Then
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [Indexpic]<>'' " Else Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " [Indexpic]<>'' "
End If
If LCase(Tag_Type) = "noimages" Then
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [Indexpic]='' " Else Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " [Indexpic]='' "
End If
Select Case LCase(Tag_Mode)
Case "commend"
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [Commend]=1 " Else Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " [Commend]=1 "
Case "uncommend"
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [Commend]=0 " Else Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " [Commend]=0 "
Case "about"
If Len(Tag_Keys) > 0 Then
Tag_Cache = -1 ' 不缓存
Dim Tag_KeysLink
Tag_Keys = Split(Replace(Tag_Keys, "'", ""), ",")
j = UBound(Tag_Keys): If j > 5 Then j = 5
For i = 0 To j
If Len(Tag_Keys(i)) > 0 Then
If Len(Tag_KeysLink) = 0 Then
Tag_KeysLink = " [Keywords] Like '%" & Tag_Keys(i) & "%'"
Tag_KeysLink = Tag_KeysLink & " Or [Keywords] Like '%" & Tag_Keys(i) & "%'"
End If
End If
If Len(Tag_KeysLink) > 0 Then
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And (" & Tag_KeysLink & ") " Else Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " (" & Tag_KeysLink & ") "
End If
End If
End Select
If LCase(Tag_Mode) = "hot" Then
Tag_Order = "[Views] Desc"
If Len(Tag_Order) = 0 Then Tag_Order = "[ID] Desc"
End If
If Len(Tag_Where) > 0 Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [Display]=1 " Else Tag_Where = " [Display]=1"
Tag_SQL = "Select Top " & Tag_Row * Tag_Col & " " & Tag_Field & " From [{pre}Content] Where " & Tag_Where & " Order By " & Tag_Order ' 最终查询语句
End If
End If
Cachetimei = Tag_Cache ' 标签缓存
If ChkCacheSQL(Template & Tag_SQL) Then
BackValue = GetCache(Template & Tag_SQL)
BackValue = ""
Set Rs = DB(Tag_SQL, 3)
If Err Then Response.Write "<font color=red>" & Lang_Parser_Com_Error & "[" & Tag_SQL & " => & " & Err.Description & "]</font>": Response.End
If Tag_Col > 1 Then BackValue = BackValue & "<table width=""" & Tag_Width & """ " & Tag_Class & " border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"">" & vbCrLf: j = 0 ' 表
Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i") = 0
For i = 1 To Tag_Row * Tag_Col
If Rs.Eof Then Exit For ' 不存在记录就退出
j = j + 1
If Tag_Col > 1 Then ' 表
If j = 1 Then BackValue = BackValue & " <tr>" & vbCrLf
BackValue = BackValue & " <td valign=""top"" width=""" & Round(100 / Tag_Col) & "%"">"
End If
If Len(TagLabs) = 0 Then TagLabs = "field"
Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i") = Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i") + 1 ' 记数
BackValue = BackValue & Parser_Tags("\[" & TagLabs & ":(.+?)\]", Loopstr, Rs) ' 替换
If Tag_Col > 1 Then ' 表
BackValue = BackValue & " </td>" & vbCrLf
If j = Tag_Col Then BackValue = BackValue & " </tr>" & vbCrLf: j = 0
End If
If Tag_Col > 1 Then
If j < Tag_Col And j > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Tag_Col - j
BackValue = BackValue & " <td></td>" & vbCrLf
BackValue = BackValue & " </tr>" & vbCrLf
End If
BackValue = BackValue & "</table>" & vbCrLf
End If
Call SetCache(Template & Tag_SQL, BackValue)
End If
Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, BackValue)
End If
If RegExists("<!--(.+?):\{(.+?)\}-->([\s\S]*?)<!--\1-->", Content) Then Call Parser_Com ' 多次调用
End Function
' 分页标签
Public Function Parser_Page()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim Matches, Match
Dim Rs, i, j
Dim Matche, BackValue
Dim Tagsstr, Loopstr
Dim Tag_Size, Tag_Order, Tag_Field, Tag_Table, Tag_Style, Tag_SQL, Tag_Where
Dim Tag_RecordCount, Tag_PageCount
Reg.Pattern = "<!--Page:\{(.+?)\}-->([\s\S]*?)<!--Page-->"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Content)
For Each Match In Matches
BackValue = ""
Tagsstr = Match.SubMatches(0) ' 属性
Loopstr = Match.SubMatches(1) ' innerText
Tag_Size = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "size", True)
Tag_Order = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "order", False)
Tag_Table = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "table", True)
Tag_Style = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "style", True)
Tag_Field = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "field", True) ' 所有字段
If Len(Tag_Size) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(Tag_Size) Then Tag_Size = 10
If Len(Tag_Order) = 0 Then Tag_Order = "[ID] Desc"
If Len(Tag_Table) = 0 Then Tag_Table = "Content"
If Len(Tag_Style) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(Tag_Style) Then Tag_Style = 1
If Len(Tag_Field) = 0 Then Tag_Field = "*"
Tag_Size = Int(Tag_Size): Tag_Table = " [{pre}" & Tag_Table & "] ": Tag_Style = Int(Tag_Style): Tag_Where = " [Display]=1 "
If Len(CID) > 0 And isnumeric(CID) Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [CID]=" & CID ' 存在CID则调用指定CID/SID的内容
'If Len(CID) > 0 And isnumeric(CID) Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And ([CID]=" & CID & " Or [SID]=" & CID & ")" ' 存在CID则调用指定CID/SID的内容
If Len(CID) = 0 And Len(SID)>0 And isnumeric(SID) Then Tag_Where = Tag_Where & " And [SID]=" & SID ' 不存在CID,而存在SID则调用SID的内容
Set Rs = New DataList
Rs.Result = 1
Rs.Field = Tag_Field
Rs.Table = Tag_Table
Rs.Where = Tag_Where
Rs.Order = Tag_Order
Rs.PageSize = Tag_Size
Rs.AbsolutePage = Page
Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i") = 0
For i = 1 To Tag_Size
If Rs.Data.Eof Then Exit For
Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i") = Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i") + 1 ' 记数
BackValue = BackValue & Parser_Tags("\[Page:(.+?)\]", Loopstr, Rs.Data) ' 替换
Content = RegReplace(Content, "{tag:page}", "{{}}")
Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, BackValue)
Tag_RecordCount = Rs.RecordCount: Tag_PageCount = Rs.PageCount: Rs.Data.Close
If Tag_PageCount = 0 Then Tag_PageCount = 1
Dim GetPageList
if matches.count >0 then
GetPageList = PageListX(Tag_PageCount, Tag_RecordCount, Page, Tag_Size, CID)
end if
Content = RegReplace(Content, "{{}}", GetPageList)
Set Rs = Nothing
End Function
' 字符替换
Public Function Parser_Tags(ByVal Pattern, ByVal Temp, ByVal Dat)
On Error Resume Next
Dim Matches, Match
Dim Tagsstr, Tagsval, Tagsvalt, TagTitle: TagTitle = False
Dim Tag_Len, Tag_Lenext, Tag_Format, Tag_Replace, Tag_Function,Tag_width,Tag_Height
Dim Re, Re1, Re2
Dim i, c, l, t
Reg.Pattern = Pattern
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Temp)
For Each Match In Matches
Tagsstr = Match.SubMatches(0)
Tag_Len = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "len", True)
Tag_Lenext = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "lenext", True)
Tag_Format = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "format", False)
Tag_Replace = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "replace", False)
Tag_Function = GetAttr(Tagsstr, "function", True)
Tag_Width=GetAttr(Tagsstr, "width", True)
Tag_Height=GetAttr(Tagsstr, "height", True)
Tagsval = Split(Tagsstr, " ")(0)
Select Case LCase(Tagsval)
Case "aid"
Tagsval = Dat("AID")
If Err Then Err.Clear: Tagsval = Dat("ID") ' Content
Case "aurl"
Tagsval = Dat("ID") ' Content
Tagsval = BuildViewPath(Dat("ID"), Dat("Cid"), Dat("Diyname"), Dat("Createtime"), Dat("ViewPath"))
Case "curl"
Tagsval = Dat("Cid") ' Content
If Err Then Err.Clear: Tagsval = Dat("ID") ' Channel
If Createhtml = 1 Then ' 栏目只在1时才会生成,其他均不生成
If Len(GetChannel(Tagsval, "Domain")) > 0 Then Tagsval = GetChannel(Tagsval, "Domain") Else Tagsval = Httpurl & GetChannel(Tagsval, "Ruleindex")
Else ' ASP
If Len(GetChannel(Tagsval, "Domain")) > 0 Then Tagsval = GetChannel(Tagsval, "Domain") Else Tagsval = Httpurl & Installdir & "channel.asp?id=" & Tagsval
End If
Case "surl" ' sid -> name
Tagsval = ""
Case "cname"
Tagsval = GetChannel(Dat("cid"), "name")
Case "sname" ' sid -> name
Tagsval = ""
Case "ctable"
Tagsval = GetChannel(Dat("cid"), "table")
Case "titlex"
Tagsval = Dat("Title") ' Content
TagTitle = True
Case "modeindex"
Tagsval = ""
Case "i"
Tagsval = Session(Cacheflag & "_Parser_i")
Case Else
If LCase(Left(Tagsval, 5)) = "mode_" Then
Dim Modetag: Modetag = Right(Tagsval, Len(Tagsval) - 5)
Tagsval = Dat("ModeIndex")
If Len(Tagsval) > 0 And InStr(Tagsval, "<" & Modetag & ">") > 0 And InStr(Tagsval, "</" & Modetag & ">") > 0 Then
' Get Mode Tag Value
Tagsval = ""
End If
Tagsval = Dat(Tagsval)
End If
End Select
Tagsval = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(Tagsval, " ", " "), """, Chr(34)), ">", ">"), "<", "<")
If Len(Replace(Tag_Replace, " ", "")) > 0 Then
Re = Split(Tag_Replace, "##")
If UBound(Re) >= 0 Then Re1 = Re(0): Re2 = Re(1) Else Re1 = Re(0): Re2 = Re(0)
Tagsval = Replace(Tagsval, Re1, Re2)
End If
If Len(Replace(Tag_Format, " ", "")) > 0 Then ' 格式化时间
If IsDate(Tagsval) Then
Tagsvalt = Tagsval: Tagsvalt = LCase(Tag_Format): Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "weeka", "WEEKA"): Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "montha", "MONTHA"): Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "week", "WEEK"): Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "month", "MONTH")
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "WEEKA") Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "WEEKA", Lang_Week_Abbr(Weekday(Tagsval)))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "WEEK") Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "WEEK", Lang_Week(Weekday(Tagsval)))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "MONTHA") Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "MONTHA", Lang_Month_Abbr(Month(Tagsval)))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "MONTH") Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "MONTH", Lang_Month(Month(Tagsval)))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "yyyy") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "yyyy", Year(Tagsval))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "yy") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "yy", Right(Year(Tagsval), 2))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "mm") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "mm", Right("0" & Month(Tagsval), 2))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "m") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "m", Month(Tagsval))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "dd") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "dd", Right("0" & Day(Tagsval), 2))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "d") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "d", Day(Tagsval))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "hh") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "hh", Right("0" & Hour(Tagsval), 2))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "h") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "h", Hour(Tagsval))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "nn") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "nn", Right("0" & Minute(Tagsval), 2))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "n") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "n", Minute(Tagsval))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "ss") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "ss", Right("0" & Second(Tagsval), 2))
If InStr(Tagsvalt, "s") > 0 Then Tagsvalt = Replace(Tagsvalt, "s", Second(Tagsval))
Tagsval = Tagsvalt
End If
End If
If Len(Tag_Len) > 0 Then
If IsNumeric(Tag_Len) Then
Tag_Len = Int(Tag_Len)
For i = 1 To Len(Tagsval)
c = Abs(Asc(Mid(Tagsval, i, 1)))
If c > 255 Or c < 2 Then t = t + 2 Else t = t + 1
If t >= Tag_Len Then Tagsval = Left(Tagsval, i) & Tag_Lenext: Exit For
End If
End If
If Len(Tag_Function) > 0 Then
Tag_Function = Split(Tag_Function, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(Tag_Function)
Select Case LCase(Tag_Function(i))
Case "urlencode": Tagsval = Server.UrlEnCode(Tagsval)
Case "htmlencode": Tagsval = Server.HtmlEnCode(Tagsval)
Case "abs": Tagsval = Abs(Tagsval)
Case "trim": Tagsval = Trim(Tagsval)
Case "ucase": Tagsval = UCase(Tagsval)
Case "lcase": Tagsval = LCase(Tagsval)
Case "clearhtml": Tagsval = RegReplace(Tagsval, "(\<.+?\>)", ""): Tagsval = Replace(Trim(Tagsval), vbCrLf, " ")
Case "tags"
t = Split(Tagsval, ","): Tagsval = ""
For c = 0 To UBound(t)
If Len(Tagsval) > 0 Then Tagsval = Tagsval & ","
Tagsval = Tagsval & " <a href='" & Httpurl & Installdir & "plus/search/index.asp?keyword=" & Server.UrlEnCode(t(c)) & "'>" & t(c) & "</a>"
End Select
End If
If len(Tag_Width) > 0 or len(Tag_Height) > 0 then
If instr(tag_width,",") > 0 or len(tag_width)=0 then tag_width = 100 else tag_width = int(tag_width)
If instr(tag_height,",") > 0 or len(tag_height)=0 then tag_height = 100 else tag_height = int(tag_height)
Tagsval = Cutjpeg(Tagsval,Tag_Width , tag_height)
end if
If IsNull(Tagsval) Then Tagsval = ""
If TagTitle Then
TagTitle = False
Dim TitleStyle: TitleStyle = Split(Dat("Style") & ",", ",")
If Len(TitleStyle(0)) > 0 Then Tagsval = "<" & TitleStyle(0) & ">" & Tagsval & "</" & TitleStyle(0) & ">"
If Len(TitleStyle(1)) > 0 Then Tagsval = "<font color=""" & TitleStyle(1) & """>" & Tagsval & "</font>"
End If
Temp = Replace(Temp, Match.Value, Tagsval)
Parser_Tags = Temp
End Function
' 判断标签
Public Function Parser_IF()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Matches, Match
Dim TestIF
Reg.Pattern = "{If:(.+?)}([\s\S]*?){Else}([\s\S]*?){End If}"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Content)
For Each Match In Matches
Execute ("If " & Match.SubMatches(0) & " Then TestIf = True Else TestIf = False")
If TestIF Then Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, Match.SubMatches(1)) Else Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, Match.SubMatches(2)) ' 替换
If Err Then Response.Write "<font color=red>" & Lang_Parser_IF_Error & "[" & Match.SubMatches(0) & "]" & Err.Description & "</font>": Err.Clear: Response.End
Reg.Pattern = "{If:(.+?)}([\s\S]*?){End If}"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Content)
For Each Match In Matches
Execute ("If " & Match.SubMatches(0) & " Then TestIf = True Else TestIf = False")
If TestIF Then Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, Match.SubMatches(1)) Else Content = Replace(Content, Match.Value, "") ' 替换
If Err Then Response.Write "<font color=red>" & Lang_Parser_IF_Error & "[" & Match.SubMatches(0) & "]" & Err.Description & "</font>": Err.Clear: Response.End
End Function
' 正表达式替换
Public Function RegReplace(ByVal ReplaceContent, ByVal Pattern, ByVal ReplaceVal)
Reg.Pattern = Pattern
RegReplace = Reg.Replace(ReplaceContent, ReplaceVal)
End Function
' 是否存在此类标签
Public Function RegExists(ByVal Pattern, ByVal TestContent)
Reg.Pattern = Pattern
RegExists = Reg.Test(TestContent)
End Function
' 获取指定标签属性的值
'Tag_Cache = GetAttr(" $row=10 $cid={field:cid} $mode=commend ", "cache", True)
Public Function GetAttr(ByVal Tagsstr, ByVal AttrName, ByVal ReplaceSpace)
If Len(Tagsstr) <= 3 Or InStr(LCase(Tagsstr), "$" & LCase(AttrName) & "=") = 0 Then GetAttr = "": Exit Function
Dim Matches, Match
Reg.Pattern = "\$" & AttrName & "=(.+?) \$"
Set Matches = Reg.Execute(Tagsstr & " $")
For Each Match In Matches
GetAttr = Match.SubMatches(0)
If ReplaceSpace Then
GetAttr = Replace(GetAttr, " ", "")
If Len(GetAttr) > 0 And IsNumeric(GetAttr) And InStr(GetAttr, ",") = 0 Then GetAttr = Int(GetAttr)
End If
End Function
' 载入模板
Public Function Loadfile()
Dim Obj
On Error Resume Next
Set Obj = Server.CreateObject("")
With Obj
.Type = 2: .Mode = 3: .Open: .Charset = Response.charset : .Position = Obj.Size: .Loadfromfile Server.Mappath(Template): Content = .ReadText: .Close
End With
Set Obj = Nothing
If Err Then Response.Write "<font color=red>" & Lang_Parser_LoadFile_Error & "[" & Template & "]</font>": Response.End
End Function
public function rep(s,d)
content = replace(content,s,d)
end function
End Class