来源:asp之家 时间:2009-11-15 19:54:00
Server.ScriptTimeout = &HE10 '&H3C
Response.Buffer = ("S.F." = "S.F.")
Dim IpSearch
Set IpSearch = New clsIpSearch
' 建立类对象
' 建立SQL Server的IP地址库的连接,可用默认连接,但要保证wry.mdb(为什么用这个数据库,见后)数据库在同级目录
IpSearch.IpAddress = &H7F & "." & &H00 & "." & &H00 & "." & &H01
' 设置要查询的IP,默认为当前来访者,此处是127.0.0.1
If Request.QueryString("IP")<>"" Then
If IpSearch.Valid_IP(Request.QueryString("IP")) Then
IpSearch.IpAddress = Trim(Request.QueryString("IP"))
End If
End If
Response.Write ("所在地:" & IpSearch.GetIpAddrInfo() & "<br>")
' 取得IP所在地, 三个反馈值以逗号分割.格式:所在国家或地区,当地上网地区,提供正确IP地址信息的用户名
Response.Write ("IP:" & IpSearch.IpAddress & "<br>")
' 取出IP地址
Response.Write ("IP转换为数值:" & IpSearch.CLongIP(IpSearch.IpAddress) & "<br>")
' 将IP地址转换为长整型数值
Response.Write ("数值还原成IP:" & IpSearch.CStringIP(IpSearch.CLongIP(IpSearch.IpAddress)) & "<br>")
' 将IP地址转换为长整型数值后还原成IP字符串
Response.Write ("<hr>")
Class clsIpSearch
' 类Public ConnectionString
Public IpAddress
Private DBConn
' 连接对象,模块级声明
Private Sub Class_initialize()
' 类初始化
ConnectionString="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("wry.mdb")
' 这里建立的是通过“数据转换方法一”生成的mdb 库文件
IpAddress = GetClientIP()
' 取访问者的IP
Set DBConn = OpenConnection()
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
ConnectionString = Null
' ADO访问数据库连接说明
IpAddress = Null
Set DBConn = Nothing
' 类注销
End Sub
Private Function OpenConnection()
Dim tmpConn
Set tmpConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
tmpConn.Open ConnectionString
Set OpenConnection=tmpConn
Set tmpConn=nothing
' 建立一个连接
End Function
Private Function SQLExeCute(strSql)
Dim Rs
Set Rs=DBConn.ExeCute(strSQL)
Set SQLExeCute = Rs
Set Rs=nothing
' 执行一个SQL命令,并返回一个数据集对象
End Function
Public Function Valid_IP(ByVal IP)
' IP地址效验, IP为数值或字符串
Dim i
Dim dot_count
Dim test_octet
Dim byte_check
IP = Trim(IP)
If Len(IP) < &H08 Then
' 确认IP长度
Valid_IP = False
' 显示错误提示
Exit Function
End If
i = &H01
dot_count = &H00
For i = 1 To Len(IP)
If Mid(IP, i, &H01) = "." Then
' 增加点的记数值,并且设置text_octet 值为空
dot_count = dot_count + &H01
test_octet = ""
If i = Len(IP) Then
Valid_IP = False
' 如果点在结尾则IP效验失败,显示错误提示
Exit Function
End If
test_octet = test_octet & Mid(IP, i, &H01)
On Error Resume Next
' 使用错误屏蔽检查数据段值是否正确
byte_check = CByte(test_octet)
' 强制类型转换,
If (Err) Then
' 如转换失败就通过检查Err是否为真来确认
Valid_IP = False
' 强制类型转换产生错误,如果所取段值的数据是数值或数据长度大于&HFF,则其类型不为byte,IP地址为假
Exit Function
End If
End If
If dot_count <> &H03 Then
' 检查是否有3个小数点
Valid_IP = False
Exit Function
End If
' 全部通过,则该IP正确
Valid_IP = True
End Function
Public Function CStringIP(ByVal anNewIP)
' 转换一个数值为IP ,anNewI为要还原为IP地址的数值
Dim lsResults
Dim lnTemp
Dim lnIndex
For lnIndex = &H03 To &H00 Step -&H01
lnTemp = Int(anNewIP / (&H100 ^ lnIndex))
lsResults = lsResults & lnTemp & "."
anNewIP = anNewIP - (lnTemp * (&H100 ^ lnIndex))
lsResults = Left(lsResults, Len(lsResults) - &H01)
CStringIP = lsResults
End function
Public Function CLongIP(ByVal asNewIP)
' 转换IP地址字符串到数值
Dim lnResults
Dim lnIndex
Dim lnIpAry
lnIpAry = Split(asNewIP, ".", &H04)
For lnIndex = &H00 To &H03
if Not lnIndex = &H03 Then
lnIpAry(lnIndex) = lnIpAry(lnIndex) * (&H100 ^ (&H03 - lnIndex))
End if
lnResults = lnResults + lnIpAry(lnIndex)
CLongIP = lnResults
End function
Public Function GetClientIP()
' 取Client IP函数
dim uIpAddr
uIpAddr = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
If uIpAddr = "" Then uIpAddr = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
GetClientIP = uIpAddr
uIpAddr = ""
End function
Public function GetIpAddrInfo()
' 读取IP所在地的信息
Dim tmpIpAddr
Dim IpAddrVal
Dim ic,charSpace
Dim tmpSQL
charSpace = ""
IpAddrVal = IpAddress
If Not Valid_IP(IpAddrVal) Then
GetIpAddrInfo =NULL
Exit Function
End If
' 将IP字符串分成数组进行处理
tmpIpAddr = Split(IpAddrVal,".",-1,1)
For ic = &H00 To Ubound(tmpIpAddr)
' 补位,保证每间隔3个字符
Select Case Len(tmpIpAddr(ic))
Case &H01 :charSpace = "00"
Case &H02 :charSpace = "0"
Case Else :charSpace = ""
End Select
tmpIpAddr(ic) = charSpace & tmpIpAddr(ic)
IpAddrVal = tmpIpAddr(&H00) & "." & tmpIpAddr(&H01) & "." & tmpIpAddr(&H02) & "." & tmpIpAddr(&H03)
' 针对追捕软件数据库中的数据存放结构,具体查询过程如下:
tmpSQL = "select * from wry where (startIP<='" & IpAddrVal & "') and (ENDIP>='" & IpAddrVal & "') " & _
" and left(startIP," & Len(tmpIpAddr(&H00)) & ") = '" & tmpIpAddr(&H00) & "'" & _
" and left(endip," & Len(tmpIpAddr(&H00)) & ")='" & tmpIpAddr(&H00) & "'"
charSpace = GetDbIpInfo(tmpSQL)
If Len(charSpace)=&H00 Then
GetIpAddrInfo = NULL
GetIpAddrInfo = charSpace
End If
charSpace = Null
tmpSQL = Null
end function
Private function GetDbIpInfo(byVal sql)
' 返回数据查询的字符串
Dim OpenIpSearchRs
Dim result
Set OpenIpSearchRs = SQLExeCute(sql)
If Not OpenIpSearchRs.Eof Then
result = NullToSpace(OpenIpSearchRs("COUNTRY")) & "," & NullToSpace(OpenIpSearchRs("LOCAL")) & "," &
result = NULL
End If
Set OpenIpSearchRs=Nothing
GetDbIpInfo = result
End function
Private function NullToSpace(byVal rsStr)
' 将数据库空记录转换为空字符
If isNull(rsStr) Then
NullToSpace = ""
NullToSpace = Trim(rsStr)
End If
End Function
End Class
先把wry.dll 文件名称改为wry.dbf,再用下列方法转换:
1、在Access打开菜单中选择打开的文件类型为dBASE 5(*.dbf);
3、选择转换为Access 97格式,保存文件,即可转换为MDB数据库格式。
1、使用SQL Server。在ODBC 控制面板中设置指向wry.dbf的DSN。;