
时间:2010-03-14 11:30:00 

    在asp里通过以下两个函数实现javascript里的escape函数和unescape函数功能。在ajax post或get时内容存在汉字就容易出现乱码,用这两个函数可以得到解决。

Function vbsEscape(str)'加密
    dim i,s,c,a
    For i=1 to Len(str)
        If (a>=48 and a《=57) or (a>=65 and a《=90) or (a>=97 and a《=122) Then
            s = s & c
        ElseIf InStr("@*_+-./",c)>0 Then
            s = s & c
        ElseIf a>0 and a《16 Then
            s = s & "%0" & Hex(a)
        ElseIf a>=16 and a《256 Then
            s = s & "%" & Hex(a)
            s = s & "%u" & Hex(a)
        End If
    vbsEscape = s
End Function

Function vbsUnEscape(str)'解密
    dim i,s,c
    For i=1 to Len(str)
        If Mid(str,i,2)="%u" and i《=Len(str)-5 Then
            If IsNumeric("&H" & Mid(str,i+2,4)) Then
                s = s & CHRW(CInt("&H" & Mid(str,i+2,4)))
                i = i+5
                s = s & c
            End If
        ElseIf c="%" and i《=Len(str)-2 Then
            If IsNumeric("&H" & Mid(str,i+1,2)) Then
                s = s & CHRW(CInt("&H" & Mid(str,i+1,2)))
                i = i+2
                s = s & c
            End If
            s = s & c
        End If
    vbsUnEscape = s
End Function




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