
作者:羊大陆 时间:2021-07-25 20:35:17 








# 用数组定义一个棋盘,棋盘大小为 15×15
# 数组索引代表位置,
# 元素值代表该位置的状态:0代表没有棋子,1代表有黑棋,-1代表有白棋。

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *

class Chess(object):

def __init__(self):
 # param #
 self.row, self.column = 15, 15
 self.mesh = 25
 self.ratio = 0.9
 self.board_color = "#CDBA96"
 self.header_bg = "#CDC0B0"
 self.btn_font = ("黑体", 12, "bold")
 self.step = self.mesh / 2
 self.chess_r = self.step * self.ratio
 self.point_r = self.step * 0.2
 self.matrix = [[0 for y in range(self.column)] for x in range(self.row)]
 self.is_start = False
 self.is_black = True
 self.last_p = None

 # GUI #
 self.root = Tk()
 self.root.title("Gobang By Young")
 self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False)

self.f_header = Frame(self.root, highlightthickness=0, bg=self.header_bg)
 self.f_header.pack(fill=BOTH, ipadx=10)

self.b_start = Button(self.f_header, text="开始", command=self.bf_start, font=self.btn_font)
 self.b_restart = Button(self.f_header, text="重来", command=self.bf_restart, state=DISABLED, font=self.btn_font)
 self.l_info = Label(self.f_header, text="未开始", bg=self.header_bg, font=("楷体", 18, "bold"), fg="white")
 self.b_regret = Button(self.f_header, text="悔棋", command=self.bf_regret, state=DISABLED, font=self.btn_font)
 self.b_lose = Button(self.f_header, text="认输", command=self.bf_lose, state=DISABLED, font=self.btn_font)

self.b_start.pack(side=LEFT, padx=20)
 self.l_info.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH, pady=10)
 self.b_lose.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=20)

self.c_chess = Canvas(self.root, bg=self.board_color, width=(self.column + 1) * self.mesh,
       height=(self.row + 1) * self.mesh, highlightthickness=0)
 self.c_chess.bind("<Button-1>", self.cf_board)


# 画x行y列处的网格
def draw_mesh(self, x, y):
 # 一个倍率,由于tkinter * 的GUI,如果不加倍率,悔棋的时候会有一点痕迹,可以试试把这个改为1,就可以看到
 ratio = (1 - self.ratio) * 0.99 + 1
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 先画背景色
 self.c_chess.create_rectangle(center_y - self.step, center_x - self.step,
         center_y + self.step, center_x + self.step,
         fill=self.board_color, outline=self.board_color)
 # 再画网格线,这里面a b c d是不同的系数,根据x,y不同位置确定,需要一定推导。
 a, b = [0, ratio] if y == 0 else [-ratio, 0] if y == self.row - 1 else [-ratio, ratio]
 c, d = [0, ratio] if x == 0 else [-ratio, 0] if x == self.column - 1 else [-ratio, ratio]
 self.c_chess.create_line(center_y + a * self.step, center_x, center_y + b * self.step, center_x)
 self.c_chess.create_line(center_y, center_x + c * self.step, center_y, center_x + d * self.step)

# 有一些特殊的点要画小黑点
 if ((x == 3 or x == 11) and (y == 3 or y == 11)) or (x == 7 and y == 7):
  self.c_chess.create_oval(center_y - self.point_r, center_x - self.point_r,
         center_y + self.point_r, center_x + self.point_r, fill="black")

# 画x行y列处的棋子,color指定棋子颜色
def draw_chess(self, x, y, color):
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 就是画个圆
 self.c_chess.create_oval(center_y - self.chess_r, center_x - self.chess_r,
        center_y + self.chess_r, center_x + self.chess_r,

# 画整个棋盘
def draw_board(self):
 [self.draw_mesh(x, y) for y in range(self.column) for x in range(self.row)]

# 在正中间显示文字
def center_show(self, text):
 width, height = int(self.c_chess['width']), int(self.c_chess['height'])
 self.c_chess.create_text(int(width / 2), int(height / 2), text=text, font=("黑体", 30, "bold"), fill="red")

# 开始的时候设置各个组件,变量的状态,初始化matrix矩阵,初始化棋盘,初始化信息
def bf_start(self):
 self.is_start = True
 self.is_black = True
 self.matrix = [[0 for y in range(self.column)] for x in range(self.row)]

# 重来跟开始的效果一样
def bf_restart(self):

# 用last_p来标识上一步的位置。先用网格覆盖掉棋子,操作相应的变量,matrix[x][y]要置空,只能悔一次棋
def bf_regret(self):
 if not self.last_p:
  showinfo("提示", "现在不能悔棋")
 x, y = self.last_p
 self.draw_mesh(x, y)
 self.matrix[x][y] = 0
 self.last_p = None

# 几个状态改变,还有显示文字,没什么说的
def bf_lose(self):
 self.is_start = False
 text = self.ternary_operator("黑方认输", "白方认输")

# Canvas的click事件
def cf_board(self, e):
 # 找到离点击点最近的坐标
 x, y = int((e.y - self.step) / self.mesh), int((e.x - self.step) / self.mesh)
 # 找到该坐标的中心点位置
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 计算点击点到中心的距离
 distance = ((center_x - e.y) ** 2 + (center_y - e.x) ** 2) ** 0.5
 # 如果距离不在规定的圆内,退出//如果这个位置已经有棋子,退出//如果游戏还没开始,退出
 if distance > self.step * 0.95 or self.matrix[x][y] != 0 or not self.is_start:
 # 此时棋子的颜色,和matrix中该棋子的标识。
 color = self.ternary_operator("black", "white")
 tag = self.ternary_operator(1, -1)
 # 先画棋子,在修改matrix相应点的值,用last_p记录本次操作点
 self.draw_chess(x, y, color)
 self.matrix[x][y] = tag
 self.last_p = [x, y]
 # 如果赢了,则游戏结束,修改状态,中心显示某方获胜
 if self.is_win(x, y, tag):
  self.is_start = False
  text = self.ternary_operator("黑方获胜", "白方获胜")
 # 如果游戏继续,则交换棋手

def is_win(self, x, y, tag):
 # 获取斜方向的列表
 def direction(i, j, di, dj, row, column, matrix):
  temp = []
  while 0 <= i < row and 0 <= j < column:
   i, j = i + di, j + dj
  i, j = i - di, j - dj
  while 0 <= i < row and 0 <= j < column:
   i, j = i - di, j - dj
  return temp

four_direction = []
 # 获取水平和竖直方向的列表
 four_direction.append([self.matrix[i][y] for i in range(self.row)])
 four_direction.append([self.matrix[x][j] for j in range(self.column)])
 # 获取斜方向的列表
 four_direction.append(direction(x, y, 1, 1, self.row, self.column, self.matrix))
 four_direction.append(direction(x, y, 1, -1, self.row, self.column, self.matrix))

# 一一查看这四个方向,有没有满足五子连珠
 for v_list in four_direction:
  count = 0
  for v in v_list:
   if v == tag:
    count += 1
    if count == 5:
     return True
    count = 0
 return False

# 设置四个按钮是否可以点击
def set_btn_state(self, state):

# 因为有很多和self.black相关的三元操作,所以就提取出来
def ternary_operator(self, true, false):
 return true if self.is_black else false

# 交换棋手
def trans_identify(self):
 self.is_black = not self.is_black
 text = self.ternary_operator("黑方下棋", "白方下棋")

if __name__ == '__main__':






# 用数组定义一个棋盘,棋盘大小为 15×15
# 数组索引代表位置,
# 元素值代表该位置的状态:0代表没有棋子,1代表有黑棋,-1代表有白棋。

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import *
import os

ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.path.sep + ".")

class Chess(object):

def bf_save(self):

path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "record.txt")
 file = open(path, "w")
 for i in range(len(self.record)):
  x, y = self.record[i]
  file.write("{}: [{}, {}]\n".format("黑方" if i % 2 == 0 else "白方", x, y))

def init_matrix(self):
 return [[TAG_EMPTY for y in range(self.column)] for x in range(self.row)]

def __init__(self):
 # param #
 self.row, self.column = 15, 15
 self.mesh = 25
 self.ratio = 0.9
 self.board_color = "#CDBA96"
 self.header_bg = "#CDC0B0"
 self.btn_font = ("黑体", 12, "bold")
 self.step = self.mesh / 2
 self.chess_r = self.step * self.ratio
 self.point_r = self.step * 0.2
 self.matrix = self.init_matrix()
 self.is_start = False
 self.is_black = True
 self.record = []

 # GUI #
 self.root = Tk()
 self.root.title("Gobang By Young")
 self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False)

self.f_header = Frame(self.root, highlightthickness=0, bg=self.header_bg)

self.b_start = Button(self.f_header, text="开始", command=self.bf_start, font=self.btn_font)
 self.b_restart = Button(self.f_header, text="重来", command=self.bf_restart, state=DISABLED, font=self.btn_font)
 self.l_info = Label(self.f_header, text="未开始", bg=self.header_bg, font=("楷体", 18, "bold"), fg="white")
 self.b_regret = Button(self.f_header, text="悔棋", command=self.bf_regret, state=DISABLED, font=self.btn_font)
 self.b_lose = Button(self.f_header, text="认输", command=self.bf_lose, state=DISABLED, font=self.btn_font)

self.c_chess = Canvas(self.root, bg=self.board_color, width=(self.column + 1) * self.mesh,
       height=(self.row + 1) * self.mesh, highlightthickness=0)
 self.c_chess.bind("<Button-1>", self.cf_board)

self.b_record = Button(self.root, text="复 盘", command=self.bf_record, font=self.btn_font, bg="lightblue")
 self.b_save = Button(self.root, text="保 存", command=self.bf_save, font=self.btn_font, bg="lightblue")

self.f_header.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, ipadx=10)
 self.b_start.pack(side=LEFT, padx=20)
 self.l_info.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH, pady=10)
 self.b_lose.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=20)


self.b_record.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X)
 self.b_save.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=X)


# 画x行y列处的网格
def draw_mesh(self, x, y):
 # 一个倍率,由于tkinter * 的GUI,如果不加倍率,悔棋的时候会有一点痕迹,可以试试把这个改为1,就可以看到
 ratio = (1 - self.ratio) * 0.99 + 1
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 先画背景色
 self.c_chess.create_rectangle(center_y - self.step, center_x - self.step,
         center_y + self.step, center_x + self.step,
         fill=self.board_color, outline=self.board_color)
 # 再画网格线,这里面a b c d是不同的系数,根据x,y不同位置确定,需要一定推导。
 a, b = [0, ratio] if y == 0 else [-ratio, 0] if y == self.row - 1 else [-ratio, ratio]
 c, d = [0, ratio] if x == 0 else [-ratio, 0] if x == self.column - 1 else [-ratio, ratio]
 self.c_chess.create_line(center_y + a * self.step, center_x, center_y + b * self.step, center_x)
 self.c_chess.create_line(center_y, center_x + c * self.step, center_y, center_x + d * self.step)

# 有一些特殊的点要画小黑点
 if ((x == 3 or x == 11) and (y == 3 or y == 11)) or (x == 7 and y == 7):
  self.c_chess.create_oval(center_y - self.point_r, center_x - self.point_r,
         center_y + self.point_r, center_x + self.point_r, fill="black")

# 画x行y列处的棋子,color指定棋子颜色
def draw_chess(self, x, y, color):
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 就是画个圆
 self.c_chess.create_oval(center_y - self.chess_r, center_x - self.chess_r,
        center_y + self.chess_r, center_x + self.chess_r,

# 画整个棋盘
def draw_board(self):
 [self.draw_mesh(x, y) for y in range(self.column) for x in range(self.row)]

# 在正中间显示文字
def center_show(self, text):
 width, height = int(self.c_chess['width']), int(self.c_chess['height'])
 self.c_chess.create_text(int(width / 2), int(height / 2), text=text, font=("黑体", 30, "bold"), fill="red")

def bf_record(self):

# 开始的时候设置各个组件,变量的状态,初始化matrix矩阵,初始化棋盘,初始化信息
def bf_start(self):
 self.is_start = True
 self.is_black = True
 self.matrix = self.init_matrix()
 self.record = []

# 重来跟开始的效果一样
def bf_restart(self):
 self.record = []

# 用last_p来标识上一步的位置。先用网格覆盖掉棋子,操作相应的变量,matrix[x][y]要置空,只能悔一次棋
def bf_regret(self):
 if len(self.record) == 0:
  showinfo("提示", "现在不能悔棋")
 x, y = self.record[-1]
 self.draw_mesh(x, y)
 self.matrix[x][y] = TAG_EMPTY
 self.record = self.record[:-1]

# 几个状态改变,还有显示文字,没什么说的
def bf_lose(self):
 self.is_start = False
 text = self.ternary_operator("黑方认输", "白方认输")

def go_chess(self, x, y):
 # 此时棋子的颜色,和matrix中该棋子的标识。
 color = self.ternary_operator("black", "white")
 tag = self.ternary_operator(TAG_BLACK, TAG_WHITE)
 # 先画棋子,在修改matrix相应点的值,用last_p记录本次操作点
 self.draw_chess(x, y, color)
 self.matrix[x][y] = tag
 self.record.append([x, y])
 # 如果赢了,则游戏结束,修改状态,中心显示某方获胜
 if self.is_win(x, y, tag):
  self.is_start = False
  text = self.ternary_operator("黑方获胜", "白方获胜")
 # 如果游戏继续,则交换棋手

# Canvas的click事件
def cf_board(self, e):
 # 找到离点击点最近的坐标
 x, y = int((e.y - self.step) / self.mesh), int((e.x - self.step) / self.mesh)
 # 找到该坐标的中心点位置
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 计算点击点到中心的距离
 distance = ((center_x - e.y) ** 2 + (center_y - e.x) ** 2) ** 0.5
 # 如果距离不在规定的圆内,退出//如果这个位置已经有棋子,退出//如果游戏还没开始,退出
 if distance > self.step * 0.95 or self.matrix[x][y] != TAG_EMPTY or not self.is_start:
 self.go_chess(x, y)

def is_win(self, x, y, tag):
 # 获取斜方向的列表
 def direction(i, j, di, dj, row, column, matrix):
  temp = []
  while 0 <= i < row and 0 <= j < column:
   i, j = i + di, j + dj
  i, j = i - di, j - dj
  while 0 <= i < row and 0 <= j < column:
   i, j = i - di, j - dj
  return temp

four_direction = []
 # 获取水平和竖直方向的列表
 four_direction.append([self.matrix[i][y] for i in range(self.row)])
 four_direction.append([self.matrix[x][j] for j in range(self.column)])
 # 获取斜方向的列表
 four_direction.append(direction(x, y, 1, 1, self.row, self.column, self.matrix))
 four_direction.append(direction(x, y, 1, -1, self.row, self.column, self.matrix))

# 一一查看这四个方向,有没有满足五子连珠
 for v_list in four_direction:
  if tag * 5 in "".join(v_list):
   return True
 return False

# 设置四个按钮是否可以点击
def set_btn_state(self, state):

# 因为有很多和self.black相关的三元操作,所以就提取出来
def ternary_operator(self, true, false):
 return true if self.is_black else false

# 交换棋手
def trans_identify(self):
 self.is_black = not self.is_black
 text = self.ternary_operator("黑方下棋", "白方下棋")

def print_process(self):

class Record(object):

def __init__(self, record):
 # param #
 self.row, self.column = 15, 15
 self.mesh = 25
 self.ratio = 0.9
 self.board_color = "#CDBA96"
 self.header_bg = "#CDC0B0"
 self.btn_font = ("黑体", 12, "bold")
 self.step = self.mesh / 2
 self.chess_r = self.step * self.ratio
 self.point_r = self.step * 0.2
 self.is_black = True
 self.index = -1
 self.record = record
 # GUI #
 self.root = Tk()
 self.root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
 self.root.bind("<Key>", self.kf_step)

self.f_header = Frame(self.root, highlightthickness=0, bg=self.header_bg)
 self.l_info = Label(self.f_header, text="未开始", bg=self.header_bg, font=("楷体", 18, "bold"), fg="white")

self.c_chess = Canvas(self.root, bg=self.board_color, width=(self.column + 1) * self.mesh,
       height=(self.row + 1) * self.mesh, highlightthickness=0)

self.f_header.pack(fill=BOTH, ipadx=10)
 self.l_info.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH, pady=10)


def kf_step(self, e):
 if e.keycode not in [37, 39]:
 if e.keycode == 37:
  if self.index == -1:
  x, y = self.record[self.index]
  self.draw_mesh(x, y)
  if self.index == 0:
   self.l_info.config(text="黑方走棋" if self.is_black else "白方走棋")
  self.is_black = not self.is_black
  self.index -= 1
  if self.index > 0:
   x, y = self.record[self.index]
   color = "white" if self.is_black else "black"
   self.draw_chess(x, y, color, "red")

elif e.keycode == 39:
  if self.index == len(self.record) - 1:
  self.index += 1
  x, y = self.record[self.index]
  color = "black" if self.is_black else "white"
  self.draw_chess(x, y, color, "red")
  if self.index > 0:
   x, y = self.record[self.index - 1]
   color = "white" if self.is_black else "black"
   self.draw_chess(x, y, color)
  self.l_info.config(text="黑方走棋" if self.is_black else "白方走棋")
  self.is_black = not self.is_black

# 画x行y列处的网格
def draw_mesh(self, x, y):
 # 一个倍率,由于tkinter * 的GUI,如果不加倍率,悔棋的时候会有一点痕迹,可以试试把这个改为1,就可以看到
 ratio = (1 - self.ratio) * 0.99 + 1
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 先画背景色
 self.c_chess.create_rectangle(center_y - self.step, center_x - self.step,
         center_y + self.step, center_x + self.step,
         fill=self.board_color, outline=self.board_color)
 # 再画网格线,这里面a b c d是不同的系数,根据x,y不同位置确定,需要一定推导。
 a, b = [0, ratio] if y == 0 else [-ratio, 0] if y == self.row - 1 else [-ratio, ratio]
 c, d = [0, ratio] if x == 0 else [-ratio, 0] if x == self.column - 1 else [-ratio, ratio]
 self.c_chess.create_line(center_y + a * self.step, center_x, center_y + b * self.step, center_x)
 self.c_chess.create_line(center_y, center_x + c * self.step, center_y, center_x + d * self.step)

# 有一些特殊的点要画小黑点
 if ((x == 3 or x == 11) and (y == 3 or y == 11)) or (x == 7 and y == 7):
  self.c_chess.create_oval(center_y - self.point_r, center_x - self.point_r,
         center_y + self.point_r, center_x + self.point_r, fill="black")

# 画x行y列处的棋子,color指定棋子颜色
def draw_chess(self, x, y, color, outline="black"):
 center_x, center_y = self.mesh * (x + 1), self.mesh * (y + 1)
 # 就是画个圆
 self.c_chess.create_oval(center_y - self.chess_r, center_x - self.chess_r,
        center_y + self.chess_r, center_x + self.chess_r,
        fill=color, outline=outline)

# 画整个棋盘
def draw_board(self):
 [self.draw_mesh(x, y) for y in range(self.column) for x in range(self.row)]

# 在正中间显示文字
def center_show(self, text):
 width, height = int(self.c_chess['width']), int(self.c_chess['height'])
 self.c_chess.create_text(int(width / 2), int(height / 2), text=text, font=("黑体", 30, "bold"), fill="red")

# 开始的时候设置各个组件,变量的状态,初始化matrix矩阵,初始化棋盘,初始化信息

if __name__ == '__main__':




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