aws 通过boto3 python脚本打pach的实现方法

作者:Zhiming's Blog 时间:2021-09-14 23:33:19 

脚本要实现的功能:输入instance id

1:将所有的volume take snapshot

2:  获取public ip 并登陆机器执行 ps 命令记录patch前进程状态已经端口状态


4:  从elb中移除当前机器



7:  patching完成后将instance加回到elb

# vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4
''' script to get ecr info '''
# Reason: disable invalid-name because pylint does not like our naming convention
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import time
import boto3
import sys
import argparse
def get_volume(ec2, instanceId):
 result = []
 instance = ec2.Instance(instanceId)
 volumes = instance.volumes.all()
 for volume in volumes:
   print("Volume attached to this instance is :" +
 return result
def take_snapByInstance(client, instanceId):
 response = client.create_snapshots(
   'InstanceId': instanceId,
   'ExcludeBootVolume': False
     'ResourceType': 'snapshot',
     'Tags': [
         'Key': 'orginName',
         'Value': 'patch backup'+ instanceId
 print("Creating new snapshots for instances:" + response['Snapshots'][0]['SnapshotId'])
 return response['Snapshots'][0]['SnapshotId']
def get_publicIp(ec2, instanceId):
 instance = ec2.Instance(instanceId)
 publicIp = instance.public_ip_address
 return publicIp
def take_screenshotOfProcess(public_ip):
 print("Please run this command on your local machine")
 print('ssh -t ' + public_ip + ' "sudo netstat -tnpl > disk.listen"')
 print('ssh -t ' + public_ip + ' "sudo ps auxf >"')
def get_elbInfo(client_elb, ec2, instanceId):
 bals = client_elb.describe_load_balancers()
 for elb in bals['LoadBalancerDescriptions']:
   #print('ELB DNS Name : ' + elb['DNSName'])
   #check if the elb is the elb of instance
   if instanceId in elb['Instances']:
     print("found elb " + elb['DNSName'])
def remove_fromElb(client_elb, elb, instanceId):
 response = client_elb.deregister_instances_from_load_balancer(
       'InstanceId': instanceId
def add_backElb(client_elb, elb, instanceId):
 response = client.register_instances_with_load_balancer(
   LoadBalancerName= elb,
       'InstanceId': instanceId
def check_snapStatus(ec2, snaps):
 snapshot = ec2.Snapshot(snaps)
 return snapshot.state
def main(ec2, client, instanceId, client_elb):
 print("going to paching instanceid: " + instanceId)
 #get volumes
 volumes = get_volume(ec2, instanceId)
 #get public ip
 public_ip = get_publicIp(ec2, instanceId)
 #take snapshot
 snaps = take_snapByInstance(client, instanceId)
 #take screenshot of procss and port
 #get elb info
 elb = False
 #elb = get_elbInfo(client_elb, ec2, instanceId)
 #remove from elb
 if elb:
   ans_remove = input("Are you sure to remove the instance from the elb now? Yes/No")
   if ans_remove == 'Yes':
   #remove from instance
     remove_fromElb(client_elb, elb, instanceId)
 #check snapshot status
 snapshotStatus = ''
 check_snapStatus(ec2, snaps)
 print("checking staus of snapshots")
 while True:
   snapshotStatus = check_snapStatus(ec2, snaps)
   if snapshotStatus == 'completed':
 paching_cmd = 'Your paching command'
 #add to elb
 if elb:
   ans_add = input("please confirm the patching is over , input yes to continue")
   if ans_add == 'Yes':
     add_backElb(client_elb, elb, instanceId)
if __name__ == "__main__":
 ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name='us-east-1')
 client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name='us-east-1')
 client_elb = boto3.client('elb', region_name='us-east-1')
 main(ec2, client, 'i-abcasdfa111122', client_elb)

注意,本脚本并未包含链接机器并执行命令的部分,仅仅是打印出命令,需要手动执行 take_screenshotOfProcess 已经patch的命令,此部分也参考之前的文章,完全自动化,不需要手动执行





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