
作者:somenzz 时间:2022-03-04 09:02:54 

前几天网上找了一款 PC 端微信自动清理工具,用了一下,电脑释放了 30GB 的存储空间,而且不会删除文字的聊天记录,很好用,感觉很多人都用得到,就在此分享一下,而且是用 Python 写的,喜欢 Python 的小伙伴可以探究一下。


它可以自动删除 PC 端微信自动下载的大量文件、视频、图片等数据内容,释放几十 G 的空间占用,而且不会删除文字的聊天记录,可以放心使用。


  • 自动识别微信账号,支持用户选择自定义路径;

  • 同时管理多个账号,保留配置参数,打开即用;

  • 自由设置想要删除的文件类型,包括图片类缓存、文件、图片、视频;

  • 自由设置需要删除的文件的距离时间,默认 365 天;

  • 删除后的文件放置在回收站中,检查后自行清空,防止删错文件;

  • 支持删除进度的显示;




Windows,后续可能会支持 Mac。


import sys

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QGraphicsDropShadowEffect, QListWidgetItem, QListView, QWidget, \
   QLabel, QHBoxLayout, QFileDialog
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPropertyAnimation, QEasingCurve, QThread, pyqtSignal, QMutex, QSize, QEvent, QPoint
from PyQt5.QtGui import QMouseEvent, QCursor, QColor
from PyQt5.uic import loadUi

from pathlib import Path, PureWindowsPath
from dateutil import relativedelta
import utils.resources
import os, datetime, time, re, math, shutil, json

from utils.deleteThread import *
from utils.multiDeleteThread import multiDeleteThread
from utils.selectVersion import *
from utils.selectVersion import check_dir, existing_user_config

working_dir = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]

# 主窗口
class Window(QMainWindow):
   def mousePressEvent(self, event):
       # 重写一堆方法使其支持拖动
       if event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
           self.m_drag = True
           self.m_DragPosition = event.globalPos() - self.pos()
           # self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor))

def mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
           if Qt.LeftButton and self.m_drag:
               self.move(QMouseEvent.globalPos() - self.m_DragPosition)

def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
       self.m_drag = False
       # self.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor))

def _frame(self):
       # 边框
       self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground, True)
       # 阴影
       effect = QGraphicsDropShadowEffect(blurRadius=12, xOffset=0, yOffset=0)
       effect.setColor(QColor(25, 25, 25, 170))

def doFadeIn(self):
       # 动画
       self.animation = QPropertyAnimation(self, b'windowOpacity')
       # 持续时间250ms
           # 尝试先取消动画完成后关闭窗口的信号
       # 透明度范围从0逐渐增加到1

def doFadeOut(self):
       # 动画完成则关闭窗口
       # 透明度范围从1逐渐减少到0s

def setWarninginfo(self, text):
           .QLabel {
               border:1px solid #ffccc7;
               line-height: 140px;
               padding: 5px;
               color: #434343;
               background: #fff2f0;

def setSuccessinfo(self, text):
           .QLabel {
               border:1px solid #b7eb8f;
               line-height: 140px;
               padding: 5px;
               color: #434343;
               background: #f6ffed;

class ConfigWindow(Window):
   Signal_OneParameter = pyqtSignal(int)

config = {}

def _connect(self):

def open_file(self):
       openfile_path = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, '选择微信数据目录', '')
       if not openfile_path or openfile_path == '':
           return False
       if check_dir(openfile_path) == 0:
           list_ = os.listdir(openfile_path)
           user_list = [
               elem for elem in list_
               if elem != 'All Users' and elem != 'Applet'
           # 如果已有用户配置,那么写入新的用户配置,否则默认写入新配置
           dir_list = []
           user_config = []
           existing_user_config_dic = existing_user_config()
           for user_wx_id in user_list:
               dir_list.append(os.path.join(openfile_path, user_wx_id))
               if user_wx_id in existing_user_config_dic:
                       "wechat_id": user_wx_id,
                       "clean_days": "365",
                       "is_clean": False,
                       "clean_pic_cache": True,
                       "clean_file": False,
                       "clean_pic": True,
                       "clean_video": True,
                       "is_timer": True,
                       "timer": "0h"

config = {"data_dir": dir_list, "users": user_config}

with open(
                   working_dir + "/config.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
               json.dump(config, f)
           self.setWarninginfo('请选择正确的文件夹!一般是WeChat Files文件夹。')

def save_config(self):

def check_wechat_exists(self):
       self.selectVersion = selectVersion()
       self.version_scan = self.selectVersion.getAllPath()[0]
       self.users_scan = self.selectVersion.getAllPath()[1]
       if len(self.version_scan) == 0:
           return False
           return True

def load_config(self):
       fd = open(working_dir + "/config.json", encoding="utf-8")
       self.config = json.load(fd)

       for value in self.config["users"]:


def refresh_ui(self):
       self.config = open(working_dir + "/config.json", encoding="utf-8")
       self.config = json.load(self.config)

for value in self.config["users"]:
           if value["wechat_id"] == self.combo_user.currentText():

def create_config(self):
       true = True
       if not os.path.exists(working_dir + "/config.json"):
           if not self.check_wechat_exists():

self.config = {"data_dir": self.version_scan, "users": []}
           for value in self.users_scan:
                   "wechat_id": value,
                   "clean_days": 365,
                   "is_clean": False,
                   "clean_pic_cache": true,
                   "clean_file": False,
                   "clean_pic": true,
                   "clean_video": true,
                   "is_timer": true,
                   "timer": "0h"
           with open(
                   working_dir + "/config.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
               json.dump(self.config, f)

def update_config(self):
       if not len(self.config):
           for value in self.config["users"]:
               if value["wechat_id"] == self.combo_user.currentText():
                       days = int(self.line_gobackdays.text())
                       if days < 0:
                           value["clean_days"] = "0"
                           value["clean_days"] = self.line_gobackdays.text()
                   except ValueError:
                       value["clean_days"] = "0"
                   value["is_clean"] = self.check_is_clean.isChecked()
                   value["clean_pic"] = self.check_picdown.isChecked()
                   value["clean_file"] = self.check_files.isChecked()
                   value["clean_video"] = self.check_video.isChecked()
                   value["clean_pic_cache"] = self.check_picscache.isChecked()

with open(working_dir + "/config.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
               json.dump(self.config, f)

def __init__(self):
       loadUi(working_dir + "/images/config.ui", self)




class MainWindow(Window):

def deal_emit_slot(self, set_status):
       if set_status and not self.config_exists:
           self.config_exists = True

def closeEvent(self, event):

def eventFilter(self, object, event):
       if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress:
           if object == self.lab_close:
               return True
           elif object == self.lab_clean:
               return True
           elif object == self.lab_config:
               cw = ConfigWindow()
               return True
       return False

def _eventfilter(self):
       # 事件过滤

def get_fileNum(self, path, day, picCacheCheck, fileCheck, picCheck,
                   videoCheck, file_list, dir_list):
       dir_name = PureWindowsPath(path)
       # Convert path to the right format for the current operating system
       correct_path = Path(dir_name)
       now = datetime.datetime.now()
       if picCacheCheck:
           path_one = correct_path / 'Attachment'
           path_two = correct_path / 'FileStorage/Cache'
           self.getPathFileNum(now, day, path_one, path_two, file_list,
       if fileCheck:
           path_one = correct_path / 'Files'
           path_two = correct_path / 'FileStorage/File'
           self.getPathFileNum(now, day, path_one, path_two, file_list,
       if picCheck:
           path_one = correct_path / 'Image/Image'
           path_two = correct_path / 'FileStorage/Image'
           self.getPathFileNum(now, day, path_one, path_two, file_list,
       if videoCheck:
           path_one = correct_path / 'Video'
           path_two = correct_path / 'FileStorage/Video'
           self.getPathFileNum(now, day, path_one, path_two, file_list,

def pathFileDeal(self, now, day, path, file_list, dir_list):
       if os.path.exists(path):
           filelist = [
               f for f in os.listdir(path)
               if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))
           for i in range(0, len(filelist)):
               file_path = os.path.join(path, filelist[i])
               if os.path.isdir(file_path):
               timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
               diff = (now - timestamp).days
               if diff >= day:

def getPathFileNum(self, now, day, path_one, path_two, file_list,
       # caculate path_one
       self.pathFileDeal(now, day, path_one, file_list, dir_list)
       td = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=day)
       td_year = td.year
       td_month = td.month
       # caculate path_two
       if os.path.exists(path_two):
           osdir = os.listdir(path_two)
           dirlist = []
           for i in range(0, len(osdir)):
               file_path = os.path.join(path_two, osdir[i])
               if os.path.isdir(file_path):
           for i in range(0, len(dirlist)):
               file_path = os.path.join(path_two, dirlist[i])
               if os.path.isfile(file_path):
               if re.match('\d{4}(\-)\d{2}', dirlist[i]) != None:
                   cyear = int(dirlist[i].split('-', 1)[0])
                   cmonth = int(dirlist[i].split('-', 1)[1])
                   if self.__before_deadline(cyear, cmonth, td_year,
                       if cmonth == td_month:
                           self.pathFileDeal(now, day, file_path, file_list,

def __before_deadline(self, cyear, cmonth, td_year, td_month):
       if cyear < td_year:
           return True
       elif cyear > td_year:
           return False
       elif cyear == td_year:
           return cmonth < td_month

def callback(self, v):
       value = v / int((self.total_file + self.total_dir)) * 100
       if value == 100:
           out = "本次共清理文件" + str(self.total_file) + "个,文件夹" + str(
               self.total_dir) + "个。请前往回收站检查并清空。"

def justdoit(self):  # 这个Api设计的太脑残了,其实dir可以直接放在user里的... 有时间改吧
       fd = open(working_dir + "/config.json", encoding="utf-8")
       self.config = json.load(fd)
       i = 0
       need_clean = False
       thread_list = []
       total_file = 0
       total_dir = 0
       share_thread_arr = [0]
       for value in self.config["users"]:
           file_list = []
           dir_list = []
           if value["is_clean"]:
                                value["clean_pic_cache"], value["clean_file"],
                                value["clean_pic"], value["clean_video"],
                                file_list, dir_list)

if len(file_list) + len(dir_list) != 0:
               need_clean = True
               total_file += len(file_list)
               total_dir += len(dir_list)
                   multiDeleteThread(file_list, dir_list, share_thread_arr))
           i = i + 1

if not need_clean:
           self.total_file = total_file
           self.total_dir = total_dir
           for thread in thread_list:

def __init__(self):
       loadUi(working_dir + "/images/main.ui", self)

       self.config_exists = True

# 判断配置文件是否存在
       if not os.path.exists(working_dir + "/config.json"):
           self.config_exists = False


if __name__ == '__main__':
   app = QApplication([])
   win = MainWindow()


源代码获取地址 提取码:vuud




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