
作者:QLUGCL 时间:2022-04-18 10:44:17 


比如 * 的发射,实际上是一个 * 的照片根据列表中存储的位置多次粘贴到界面上。


import pygame
import time
from pygame.locals import *

hero_x = 150
hero_y = 600
# * 夹
mybullet = []
# 导弹夹
bomb_list = []
enemy_x = 0
enemy_y = 0
flag = 0
enemy_life = "live"
hero_life = "live"
# 飞机 *
a = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy1_down1.png")
b = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy1_down2.png")
c = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy1_down3.png")
d = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy1_down4.png")
e = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy1_hit.png")
a1 = pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n1.png")
b1 = pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n2.png")
c1 = pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n3.png")
d1 = pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n4.png")
hero_explode = [a1, b1, c1, d1]
explode = [a, b, c, d, e]
num = 0
hnum = 0
count = 0

def enemy_plant(screen, enemy, bomb):
    global enemy_x
    global enemy_y
    global flag
    global num
    global count
    global bomb_list
    global enemy_life
    if enemy_life == "live":
        if flag == 1 and enemy_x >= 0:
            enemy_x -= 20
            flag = 0
        if flag == 0 and enemy_x <= 320:
            enemy_x += 20
            flag = 1

        screen.blit(enemy, (enemy_x, enemy_y))
    elif enemy_life == "death":
        screen.blit(explode[num], (enemy_x, enemy_y))
        num += 1
        if num == 4:
            enemy_life = "live"
            num = 0
    if count % 10 == 0:
        bomb_list.append({"x": enemy_x + 30, "y": enemy_y + 20})
    count += 1
    for b in bomb_list:
        screen.blit(bomb, (b["x"], b["y"]))
        b["y"] += 10

def hero_plant(screen, hero, bullet):
    global hero_x
    global hero_y
    global enemy_life
    global hero_explode
    global enemy_x
    global enemy_y
    global hnum
    global bomb_list
    global hero_life
    for b in bomb_list:
        # 注意区间的取值
        if b["x"] <= hero_x + 30 and b["x"] >= hero_x and b["y"] >= hero_y and b["y"] <= hero_y + 30:
            hero_life = "death"
    if hero_life == "death":
        screen.blit(hero_explode[hnum], (hero_x, hero_y))
        hnum += 1
        if hnum == 4:
            hnum = 0
            hero_life = "live"
    if hero_life == "live":
        screen.blit(hero, (hero_x, hero_y))
        # 事件捕获,将捕获的事件放在列表中
        # 快速运行然后接受命令造成连续性的画面,有的时候可能为空。
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            # 关闭游戏
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                # 退出游戏
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    hero_x += 10
                elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    hero_x -= 10
                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    hero_y += 10
                elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    hero_y -= 10
                elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
                    print("发射 * ")
                    mybullet.append({"x": hero_x + 30, "y": hero_y - 20})
        for i in mybullet:
            # 注意出界的 * 所以要大于0
            if i["x"] <= enemy_x + 20 and i["x"] >= enemy_x and i["y"] <= 20 and i["y"] >= 0:
                enemy_life = "death"
            screen.blit(bullet, (i["x"], i["y"]))
            # * 模式
            # screen.blit(bullet, (i["x"]-20, i["y"]))
            # screen.blit(bullet, (i["x"]+20, i["y"]))
            # 这样就可以自动控制上升和时间间隔了
            i["y"] -= 10

def main():
    # 1 创建一个游戏窗口
    # display方法:展示相关的都会用到这个方法
    # 参数1:元组(长,高)像素
    # 参数2:有无特殊功能
    # 参数3:像素深度
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 800), 0, 32)
    # 加载背景图片
    background = pygame.image.load("./feiji/background.png")
    # 加载飞机图片
    hero = pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero1.png")
    # 加载 * 照片
    bullet = pygame.image.load("./feiji/plane.png")
    # 加载导弹
    bomb = pygame.image.load("./feiji/bomb-1.gif")
    # 加载敌人飞机照片
    enemy = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy1.png")
    # 图片添加到屏幕
    # blit剪切,粘贴
    # screen 类似指针的使用带动目的地址的数据改动
    while True:
        screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
        # 显示英雄飞机
        hero_plant(screen, hero, bullet)
        # 显示敌人飞机
        enemy_plant(screen, enemy, bomb)
        # 数据更新加载出来
        # 图片多显示一会





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