
作者:junjie 时间:2023-06-14 23:15:40 





string.lstrip(s[, chars])
Return a copy of the string with leading characters removed. If chars is omitted or None, whitespace characters are removed. If given and not None, chars must be a string; the characters in the string will be stripped from the beginning of the string this method is called on.

string.rstrip(s[, chars])
Return a copy of the string with trailing characters removed. If chars is omitted or None, whitespace characters are removed. If given and not None, chars must be a string; the characters in the string will be stripped from the end of the string this method is called on.

string.strip(s[, chars])
Return a copy of the string with leading and trailing characters removed. If chars is omitted or None, whitespace characters are removed. If given and not None, chars must be a string; the characters in the string will be stripped from the both ends of the string this method is called on.



In [10]: x='     Hi,Jack!        '

In [11]: print '|',x.lstrip(),'|',x.rstrip(),'|',x.strip(),'|'
| Hi,Jack!         |      Hi,Jack! | Hi,Jack! |


In [12]: x='yxyxyxxxyy Hello xyxyxyy'

In [13]: print x.strip('xy')



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