
作者:cuppar 时间:2023-08-05 04:07:18 





1. 数组方法 Array.includes

使用 Array.includes 进行多条件选择


function printAnimals(animal) {
if (animal === 'dog' || animal === 'cat') {
 console.log(I have a ${animal});
console.log(printAnimals('dog')); // I have a dog



我们可以通过使用 Array.includes 来重写上面的条件

function printAnimals(animal) {
 const animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'hamster', 'turtle'];
if (animals.includes(animal)) {
  console.log(I have a ${animal});
console.log(printAnimals('hamster')); // I have a hamster



2. 提前退出 / 提前返回




  • 如果没有动物,抛出一个异常

  • 打印动物类型

  • 打印动物名字

  • 打印动物性别

const printAnimalDetails = animal => {
let result; // declare a variable to store the final value
// condition 1: check if animal has a value
if (animal) {
// condition 2: check if animal has a type property
 if (animal.type) {
// condition 3: check if animal has a name property
  if (animal.name) {
// condition 4: check if animal has a gender property
   if (animal.gender) {
    result = ${animal.name} is a ${animal.gender} ${animal.type};;
   } else {
    result = "No animal gender";
  } else {
   result = "No animal name";
 } else {
  result = "No animal type";
} else {
 result = "No animal";
return result;
console.log(printAnimalDetails()); // 'No animal'
console.log(printAnimalDetails({ type: "dog", gender: "female" })); // 'No animal name'
console.log(printAnimalDetails({ type: "dog", name: "Lucy" })); // 'No animal gender'
printAnimalDetails({ type: "dog", name: "Lucy", gender: "female" })
); // 'Lucy is a female dog'


它工作得很好,但是代码很长并且维护困难。如果不使用lint工具,找出闭合花括号在哪都会浪费很多时间。 😄 想象如果代码有更复杂的逻辑会怎么样?大量的if..else语句。


const printAnimalDetails = ({type, name, gender } = {}) => {
if(!type) return 'No animal type';
if(!name) return 'No animal name';
if(!gender) return 'No animal gender';
// Now in this line of code, we're sure that we have an animal with all //the three properties here.
return ${name} is a ${gender} ${type};
console.log(printAnimalDetails()); // 'No animal type'
console.log(printAnimalDetails({ type: dog })); // 'No animal name'
console.log(printAnimalDetails({ type: dog, gender: female })); // 'No animal name'
console.log(printAnimalDetails({ type: dog, name: 'Lucy', gender: 'female' })); // 'Lucy is a female dog'




function printVegetablesWithQuantity(vegetable, quantity) {
const vegetables = ['potato', 'cabbage', 'cauliflower', 'asparagus'];
// condition 1: vegetable should be present
 if (vegetable) {
  // condition 2: must be one of the item from the list
  if (vegetables.includes(vegetable)) {
   console.log(I like ${vegetable});
// condition 3: must be large quantity
   if (quantity >= 10) {
    console.log('I have bought a large quantity');
 } else {
  throw new Error('No vegetable from the list!');
printVegetablesWithQuantity(null); // No vegetable from the list!
printVegetablesWithQuantity('cabbage'); // I like cabbage
printVegetablesWithQuantity('cabbage', 20);
// 'I like cabbage
// 'I have bought a large quantity'


1 if/else 语句过滤非法条件

3 级嵌套if语句 (条件 1, 2, & 3)


function printVegetablesWithQuantity(vegetable, quantity) {
const vegetables = ['potato', 'cabbage', 'cauliflower', 'asparagus'];
// condition 1: throw error early
 if (!vegetable) throw new Error('No vegetable from the list!');
// condition 2: must be in the list
 if (vegetables.includes(vegetable)) {
  console.log(I like ${vegetable});
// condition 3: must be a large quantity
  if (quantity >= 10) {
   console.log('I have bought a large quantity');



function printVegetablesWithQuantity(vegetable, quantity) {
const vegetables = ['potato', 'cabbage', 'cauliflower', 'asparagus'];
if (!vegetable) throw new Error('No vegetable from the list!');
 // condition 1: throw error early
if (!vegetables.includes(vegetable)) return;
 // condition 2: return from the function is the vegetable is not in
// the list
console.log(I like ${vegetable});
// condition 3: must be a large quantity
if (quantity >= 10) {
  console.log('I have bought a large quantity');



3. 用对象字面量或Map替代Switch语句


function printFruits(color) {
// use switch case to find fruits by color
switch (color) {
 case 'red':
  return ['apple', 'strawberry'];
 case 'yellow':
  return ['banana', 'pineapple'];
 case 'purple':
  return ['grape', 'plum'];
  return [];
printFruits(null); // []
printFruits('yellow'); // ['banana', 'pineapple']


// use object literal to find fruits by color
const fruitColor = {
 red: ['apple', 'strawberry'],
 yellow: ['banana', 'pineapple'],
 purple: ['grape', 'plum']
function printFruits(color) {
return fruitColor[color] || [];


// use Map to find fruits by color
const fruitColor = new Map()
 .set('red', ['apple', 'strawberry'])
 .set('yellow', ['banana', 'pineapple'])
 .set('purple', ['grape', 'plum']);
function printFruits(color) {
return fruitColor.get(color) || [];

Map 允许保存键值对,是自从ES2015以来可以使用的对象类型。

对于上面的例子,相同的功能也能用数组方法 Array.filte 来实现。

const fruits = [
 { name: 'apple', color: 'red' },
 { name: 'strawberry', color: 'red' },
 { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' },
 { name: 'pineapple', color: 'yellow' },
 { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' },
 { name: 'plum', color: 'purple' }
function printFruits(color) {
return fruits.filter(fruit => fruit.color === color);

4. 默认参数和解构

当使用 JavaScript 工作时,我们总是需要检查 null/undefined 值并赋默认值,否则可能编译失败。

function printVegetablesWithQuantity(vegetable, quantity = 1) {
// if quantity has no value, assign 1
if (!vegetable) return;
 console.log(We have ${quantity} ${vegetable}!);
printVegetablesWithQuantity('cabbage'); // We have 1 cabbage!
printVegetablesWithQuantity('potato', 2); // We have 2 potato!

如果 vegetable 是一个对象呢?我们能赋一个默认参数吗?

function printVegetableName(vegetable) {
 if (vegetable && vegetable.name) {
  console.log (vegetable.name);
 } else {
printVegetableName(undefined); // unknown
printVegetableName({}); // unknown
printVegetableName({ name: 'cabbage', quantity: 2 }); // cabbage

在上面的例子中,如果vegetable 存在,我们想要打印 vegetable name, 否则打印"unknown"。

我们能通过使用默认参数和解构来避免条件语句 if (vegetable && vegetable.name) {} 。

// destructing - get name property only
// assign default empty object {}
function printVegetableName({name} = {}) {
 console.log (name || 'unknown');
printVegetableName(undefined); // unknown
printVegetableName({ }); // unknown
printVegetableName({ name: 'cabbage', quantity: 2 }); // cabbage

因为我们只需要 name 属性,所以我们可以使用 { name } 解构参数,然后我们就能在代码中使用 name 作为变量,而不是 vegetable.name。

我们还赋了一个空对象 {} 作为默认值,因为当执行 printVegetableName(undefined) 时会得到一个错误:不能从 undefined 或 null 解构属性 name,因为在 undefined 中没有name属性。

5. 用 Array.every & Array.some 匹配全部/部分内容


const fruits = [
 { name: 'apple', color: 'red' },
 { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' },
 { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' }
function test() {
let isAllRed = true;
// condition: all fruits must be red
for (let f of fruits) {
 if (!isAllRed) break;
 isAllRed = (f.color == 'red');
console.log(isAllRed); // false

这代码太长了!我们能用 Array.every 来减少代码行数:

const fruits = [
 { name: 'apple', color: 'red' },
 { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' },
 { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' }
function test() {
// condition: short way, all fruits must be red
const isAllRed = fruits.every(f => f.color == 'red');
console.log(isAllRed); // false

相似地,如果我们想测试是否有任何红色的水果,我们能用一行 Array.some 来实现它。

const fruits = [
 { name: 'apple', color: 'red' },
 { name: 'banana', color: 'yellow' },
 { name: 'grape', color: 'purple' }
function test() {
// condition: if any fruit is red
const isAnyRed = fruits.some(f => f.color == 'red');
console.log(isAnyRed); // true

6. 使用可选链和空值合并

这有两个为编写更清晰的条件语句而即将成为 JavaScript 增强的功能。当写这篇文章时,它们还没有被完全支持,你需要使用 Babel 来编译。

可选链允许我们没有明确检查中间节点是否存在地处理 tree-like 结构,空值合并和可选链组合起来工作得很好,以确保为不存在的值赋一个默认值。


 const car = {
 model: 'Fiesta',
 manufacturer: {
 name: 'Ford',
 address: {
  street: 'Some Street Name',
  number: '5555',
  state: 'USA'
// to get the car model
const model = car && car.model || 'default model';
// to get the manufacturer street
const street = car && car.manufacturer && car.manufacturer.address &&
car.manufacturer.address.street || 'default street';
// request an un-existing property
const phoneNumber = car && car.manufacturer && car.manufacturer.address
&& car.manufacturer.phoneNumber;
console.log(model) // 'Fiesta'
console.log(street) // 'Some Street Name'
console.log(phoneNumber) // undefined


const isManufacturerFromUSA = () => {
 if(car && car.manufacturer && car.manufacturer.address &&
car.manufacturer.address.state === 'USA') {
checkCarManufacturerState() // 'true'

你能清晰地看到当有一个更复杂的对象结构时,这能变得多乱。有一些第三方的库有它们自己的函数,像 lodash 或 idx。例如 lodash 有 _.get 方法。然而,JavaScript 语言本身被引入这个特性是非常酷的。


// to get the car model
const model = car?.model ?? 'default model';
// to get the manufacturer street
const street = car?.manufacturer?.address?.street ?? 'default street';
// to check if the car manufacturer is from the USA
const isManufacturerFromUSA = () => {
 if(car?.manufacturer?.address?.state === 'USA') {

这看起来很美观并容易维护。它已经到 TC39 stage 3 阶段,让我们等待它获得批准,然后我们就能无处不在地看到这难以置信的语法的使用。


让我们为了编写更清晰、易维护的代码,学习并尝试新的技巧和技术,因为在几个月后,长长的条件看起来像搬石头砸自己的脚。 😄




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