
作者:softworm 时间:2023-07-06 03:05:23 



import e32
import audio
import time
import appuifw
import sys
import os.path
import marshal

def say(oclock):
 """say the time in English"""
 c = oclock
 if c > 12:
   c -= 12
 cs = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve'][c]
 audio.say("it's " + cs + " o'clock.")

def say_current():
 global Sayflags
 t = time.localtime()
 # say according to configuration
 if Sayflags[int(t[3])] == 1:

def on_oclock():
 """when an o'clock arrived"""

def start_timer():
 """start a timer that will be reached at next o'clock"""
 global Timer
 lt = time.localtime()
 d = 60 * (59 - lt[4]) + 61 - lt[5]
 if d>2147:
   Timer.after(2147, lambda : Timer.after(d-2147, on_oclock))
   Timer.after(d, on_oclock)

def clock_names():
 return [u'0:00', u'1:00', u'2:00', u'3:00', u'4:00', u'5:00', u'6:00', u'7:00', u'8:00', u'9:00', u'10:00', u'11:00', u'12:00', u'13:00', u'14:00', u'15:00', u'16:00', u'17:00', u'18:00', u'19:00', u'20:00', u'21:00', u'22:00', u'23:00']

def list_handler():
 """set flag and refresh the listbox"""
 global Lb
 global Sayflags
 c = Lb.current()
 Sayflags[c] = 1 - Sayflags[c]
 Lb.set_list(list_content(), c)

def list_content():
 global Sayflags
 icons = [appuifw.Icon(u"z:\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mif", 16506, 16507), appuifw.Icon(u"z:\\resource\\apps\\avkon2.mif", 16504, 16505)] # unchecked, unchecked
 return map(lambda s, f: tuple([s, icons[f]]), clock_names(), Sayflags)

def exit_handler():
 global Lock
 global Timer
 global Standalone
 if not Standalone:

def save_cfg():
 global Sayflags
   f = open(Configfile, 'wb')
   marshal.dump(Sayflags, f)

def load_cfg():
 global Sayflags
   f = open(Configfile, 'rb')
   Sayflags = marshal.load(f)

# Testing code
def test():
 #for n in range(1,13):
 #  say(n)

def main():
 global Standalone = u'Audio Clock' = exit_handler = Lb
 if time.localtime()[4] == 0:
 if not Standalone:

Standalone = True
Timer = e32.Ao_timer()
Lock = e32.Ao_lock()
Configfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '\\audioclock.cfg'
Sayflags = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] #24 clocks' flags
Lb = appuifw.Listbox(list_content(), list_handler)




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