
作者:开码牛 时间:2023-01-07 04:23:37 


legend语法参数如下: matplotlib.pyplot.legend(*args, **kwargs)

locLocation code string, or tuple (see below).图例所有figure位置
propthe font property字体参数
fontsizethe font size (used only if prop is not specified)
markerscalethe relative size of legend markers vs. original 图例标记与原始标记的相对大小
markerfirstIf True (default), marker is to left of the label. 如果为True,则图例标记位于图例标签的左侧
numpointsthe number of points in the legend for line 为线条图图例条目创建的标记点数
scatterpointsthe number of points in the legend for scatter plot 为散点图图例条目创建的标记点数
scatteryoffsetsa list of yoffsets for scatter symbols in legend 为散点图图例条目创建的标记的垂直偏移量
frameonIf True, draw the legend on a patch (frame). 控制是否应在图例周围绘制框架
fancyboxIf True, draw the frame with a round fancybox. 控制是否应在构成图例背景的FancyBboxPatch周围启用圆边
shadowIf True, draw a shadow behind legend. 控制是否在图例后面画一个阴影
framealphaTransparency of the frame. 控制图例框架的 Alpha 透明度
edgecolorFrame edgecolor.
facecolorFrame facecolor.
ncolnumber of columns 设置图例分为n列展示
borderpadthe fractional whitespace inside the legend border 图例边框的内边距
labelspacingthe vertical space between the legend entries 图例条目之间的垂直间距
handlelengththe length of the legend handles 图例句柄的长度
handleheightthe height of the legend handles 图例句柄的高度
handletextpadthe pad between the legend handle and text 图例句柄和文本之间的间距
borderaxespadthe pad between the axes and legend border 轴与图例边框之间的距离
columnspacingthe spacing between columns 列间距
titlethe legend title
bbox_to_anchorthe bbox that the legend will be anchored.指定图例在轴的位置
bbox_transformthe transform for the bbox. transAxes if None.



0: ‘best'

1: ‘upper right'

2: ‘upper left'

3: ‘lower left'

4: ‘lower right'

5: ‘right'

6: ‘center left'

7: ‘center right'

8: ‘lower center'

9: ‘upper center'

10: ‘center'


fontsize : int or float or {‘xx-small', ‘x-small', ‘small', ‘medium', ‘large', ‘x-large', ‘xx-large'}


plt.legend(loc='best',frameon=False) #去掉图例边框
plt.legend(loc='best',edgecolor='blue') #设置图例边框颜色
plt.legend(loc='best',facecolor='blue') #设置图例背景颜色,若无边框,参数无效


plt.legend(loc='best',title='figure 1 legend') #去掉图例边框



plt.legend(loc=0, numpoints=1)
leg = plt.gca().get_legend() #或leg=ax.get_legend()
ltext = leg.get_texts()
plt.setp(ltext, fontsize=12,fontweight='bold')


legend = ax.legend((rectsTest1, rectsTest2, rectsTest3), ('test1', 'test2', 'test3'))
legend = ax.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True, fontsize='x-large')
legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('red') #设置图例legend背景为红色
frame = legend.get_frame()
frame.set_facecolor('none') #设置图例legend背景透明


ax1.legend_.remove() ##移除子图ax1中的图例
ax2.legend_.remove() ##移除子图ax2中的图例
ax3.legend_.remove() ##移除子图ax3中的图例


box = ax1.get_position()
ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width , box.height* 0.8])
ax1.legend(loc='center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.2),ncol=3)


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 4)
y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 4)
p1, = plt.plot([1,2,3])
p2, = plt.plot([3,2,1])
l1 = plt.legend([p2, p1], ["line 2", "line 1"], loc='upper left')

p3 = plt.scatter(x[0:2], y[0:2], marker = 'D', color='r')
p4 = plt.scatter(x[2:], y[2:], marker = 'D', color='g')
# This removes l1 from the axes.
plt.legend([p3, p4], ['label', 'label1'], loc='lower right', scatterpoints=1)
# Add l1 as a separate artist to the axes


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
line1, = plt.plot([1,2,3], label="Line 1", linestyle='--')
line2, = plt.plot([3,2,1], label="Line 2", linewidth=4)
# 为第一个线条创建图例
first_legend = plt.legend(handles=[line1], loc=1)
# 手动将图例添加到当前轴域
ax = plt.gca().add_artist(first_legend)
# 为第二个线条创建另一个图例
plt.legend(handles=[line2], loc=4)





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