将表数据生成Insert脚本 比较好用的生成插入语句的SQL脚本

时间:2024-01-21 13:11:19 

-- =============================================
-- Author: 华岭
-- Create date: 2008-10-28
-- Description: 将表数据生成Insert脚本
-- Demo : exec pCreateInsertScript 'BexmCodeType','dictypeid = 61'
-- =============================================
alter proc [dbo].pCreateInsertScript (@tablename varchar(256),@con nvarchar(400))
set nocount on
declare @sqlstr varchar(4000)
declare @sqlstr1 varchar(4000)
declare @sqlstr2 varchar(4000)
select @sqlstr='select ''insert '+@tablename
select @sqlstr1=''
select @sqlstr2='('
select @sqlstr1='values (''+'
select @sqlstr1=@sqlstr1+col+'+'',''+' ,@sqlstr2=@sqlstr2+name +',' from (select case
when a.xtype =173 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =104 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(1),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =175 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end'
when a.xtype =61 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',121)'+ '+'''''''''+' end'
when a.xtype =106 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =62 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',2)'+' end'
when a.xtype =56 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(11),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =60 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(22),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =239 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end'
when a.xtype =108 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.xprec+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =231 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end'
when a.xtype =59 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',2)'+' end'
when a.xtype =58 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'convert(varchar(23),'+a.name +',121)'+ '+'''''''''+' end'
when a.xtype =52 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(12),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =122 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(22),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =127 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(6),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =48 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar(6),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =165 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'convert(varchar('+convert(varchar(4),a.length*2+2)+'),'+a.name +')'+' end'
when a.xtype =167 then 'case when '+a.name+' is null then ''NULL'' else '+'''''''''+'+'replace('+a.name+','''''''','''''''''''')' + '+'''''''''+' end'
else '''NULL'''
end as col,a.colid,a.name
from syscolumns a where a.id = object_id(@tablename)
and a.xtype <>189 and a.xtype <>34 and a.xtype <>35 and a.xtype <>36
)t order by colid
select @sqlstr=@sqlstr+left(@sqlstr2,len(@sqlstr2)-1)+') '+left(@sqlstr1,len(@sqlstr1)-3)+')'' from '+@tablename + ' where 1=1 and ' + isnull(@con,'')
print @sqlstr
exec( @sqlstr)
set nocount off


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