
作者:? 时间:2024-04-29 13:06:35 


当我们的代码敲下[]时,便会被go编译器解析为抽象语法树上的切片节点, 被初始化为切片表达式SliceType:

// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/parser.go
// TypeSpec = identifier [ TypeParams ] [ "=" ] Type .
func (p *parser) typeDecl(group *Group) Decl {
   if p.tok == _Lbrack {
       // d.Name "[" ...
       // array/slice type or type parameter list
       pos := p.pos()
       switch p.tok {
       case _Rbrack:
           // d.Name "[" "]" ...
           d.Type = p.sliceType(pos)
func (p *parser) sliceType(pos Pos) Expr {
   t := new(SliceType)
   t.pos = pos
   t.Elem = p.type_()
   return t
// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/syntax/nodes.go
type (
 // []Elem
   SliceType struct {
       Elem Expr


// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/types/type.go
type Slice struct {
   Elem *Type // element type
func NewSlice(elem *Type) *Type {
   if t := elem.cache.slice; t != nil {
       if t.Elem() != elem {
           base.Fatalf("elem mismatch")
       if elem.HasTParam() != t.HasTParam() || elem.HasShape() != t.HasShape() {
           base.Fatalf("Incorrect HasTParam/HasShape flag for cached slice type")
       return t
   t := newType(TSLICE)
   t.extra = Slice{Elem: elem}
   elem.cache.slice = t
   if elem.HasTParam() {
   if elem.HasShape() {
   return t




litSlic := []int{1,2,3,4}  // 字面量初始化
makeSlic := make([]int,0)  // make初始化


切片字面量的初始化是在生成抽象语法树后进行遍历的walk阶段完成的。通过walkComplit方法,首先会进行类型检查,此时会计算出切片元素的个数length,然后通过slicelit方法完成具体的初始化工作。整个过程会先创建一个数组存储于静态区(static array),并在堆区创建一个新的切片(auto array),然后将静态区的数据复制到堆区(copy the static array to the auto array),对于切片中的元素会按索引位置一个一个的进行赋值。 在程序启动时这一过程会加快切片的初始化。

// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/complit.go
// walkCompLit walks a composite literal node:
func walkCompLit(n ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
   if isStaticCompositeLiteral(n) && !ssagen.TypeOK(n.Type()) {
       n := n.(*ir.CompLitExpr) // not OPTRLIT
       // n can be directly represented in the read-only data section.
       // Make direct reference to the static data. See issue 12841.
       vstat := readonlystaticname(n.Type())
       fixedlit(inInitFunction, initKindStatic, n, vstat, init)
       return typecheck.Expr(vstat)
   var_ := typecheck.Temp(n.Type())
   anylit(n, var_, init)
   return var_


// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/typecheck/expr.go
func tcCompLit(n *ir.CompLitExpr) (res ir.Node) {
   t := n.Type()
   base.AssertfAt(t != nil, n.Pos(), "missing type in composite literal")

switch t.Kind() {
   case types.TSLICE:
       length := typecheckarraylit(t.Elem(), -1, n.List, "slice literal")
       n.Len = length
   return n


  • 在静态存储区创建一个数组;

  • 将数组赋值给一个常量部分;

  • 创建一个自动指针即切片分配到堆区,并指向数组;

  • 将数组中的数据从静态区拷贝到切片的堆区;

  • 对每一个切片元素按索引位置分别进行赋值;

  • 最后将分配到堆区的切片赋值给定义的变量;


// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/complit.go
func anylit(n ir.Node, var_ ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) {
   t := n.Type()
   switch n.Op() {
 case ir.OSLICELIT:
       n := n.(*ir.CompLitExpr)
       slicelit(inInitFunction, n, var_, init)
func slicelit(ctxt initContext, n *ir.CompLitExpr, var_ ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) {
   // make an array type corresponding the number of elements we have
   t := types.NewArray(n.Type().Elem(), n.Len)

if ctxt == inNonInitFunction {
       // put everything into static array
       vstat := staticinit.StaticName(t)

fixedlit(ctxt, initKindStatic, n, vstat, init)
       fixedlit(ctxt, initKindDynamic, n, vstat, init)

// copy static to slice
       var_ = typecheck.AssignExpr(var_)
       name, offset, ok := staticinit.StaticLoc(var_)
       if !ok || name.Class != ir.PEXTERN {
           base.Fatalf("slicelit: %v", var_)
       staticdata.InitSlice(name, offset, vstat.Linksym(), t.NumElem())

// recipe for var = []t{...}
   // 1. make a static array
   //  var vstat [...]t
   // 2. assign (data statements) the constant part
   //  vstat = constpart{}
   // 3. make an auto pointer to array and allocate heap to it
   //  var vauto *[...]t = new([...]t)
   // 4. copy the static array to the auto array
   //  *vauto = vstat
   // 5. for each dynamic part assign to the array
   //  vauto[i] = dynamic part
   // 6. assign slice of allocated heap to var
   //  var = vauto[:]
   // an optimization is done if there is no constant part
   //  3. var vauto *[...]t = new([...]t)
   //  5. vauto[i] = dynamic part
   //  6. var = vauto[:]

// if the literal contains constants,
   // make static initialized array (1),(2)
   var vstat ir.Node

mode := getdyn(n, true)
   if mode&initConst != 0 && !isSmallSliceLit(n) {
       if ctxt == inInitFunction {
           vstat = readonlystaticname(t)
       } else {
           vstat = staticinit.StaticName(t)
       fixedlit(ctxt, initKindStatic, n, vstat, init)

// make new auto *array (3 declare)
   vauto := typecheck.Temp(types.NewPtr(t))

// set auto to point at new temp or heap (3 assign)
   var a ir.Node
   if x := n.Prealloc; x != nil {
       // temp allocated during order.go for dddarg
       if !types.Identical(t, x.Type()) {
           panic("dotdotdot base type does not match order's assigned type")
       a = initStackTemp(init, x, vstat)
   } else if n.Esc() == ir.EscNone {
       a = initStackTemp(init, typecheck.Temp(t), vstat)
   } else {
       a = ir.NewUnaryExpr(base.Pos, ir.ONEW, ir.TypeNode(t))
   appendWalkStmt(init, ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, vauto, a))

if vstat != nil && n.Prealloc == nil && n.Esc() != ir.EscNone {
       // If we allocated on the heap with ONEW, copy the static to the
       // heap (4). We skip this for stack temporaries, because
       // initStackTemp already handled the copy.
       a = ir.NewStarExpr(base.Pos, vauto)
       appendWalkStmt(init, ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, a, vstat))

// put dynamics into array (5)
   var index int64
   for _, value := range n.List {
       if value.Op() == ir.OKEY {
           kv := value.(*ir.KeyExpr)
           index = typecheck.IndexConst(kv.Key)
           if index < 0 {
               base.Fatalf("slicelit: invalid index %v", kv.Key)
           value = kv.Value
       a := ir.NewIndexExpr(base.Pos, vauto, ir.NewInt(index))
       // TODO need to check bounds?
       switch value.Op() {
       case ir.OSLICELIT:
       case ir.OARRAYLIT, ir.OSTRUCTLIT:
           value := value.(*ir.CompLitExpr)
           k := initKindDynamic
           if vstat == nil {
               // Generate both static and dynamic initializations.
               // See issue #31987.
               k = initKindLocalCode
           fixedlit(ctxt, k, value, a, init)
       if vstat != nil && ir.IsConstNode(value) { // already set by copy from static value
       // build list of vauto[c] = expr
       as := ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, a, value)
       appendWalkStmt(init, orderStmtInPlace(typecheck.Stmt(as), map[string][]*ir.Name{}))
   // make slice out of heap (6)
   a = ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, var_, ir.NewSliceExpr(base.Pos, ir.OSLICE, vauto, nil, nil, nil))
   appendWalkStmt(init, orderStmtInPlace(typecheck.Stmt(a), map[string][]*ir.Name{}))



// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/expr.go
func walkExpr1(n ir.Node, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
   switch n.Op() {
   case ir.OMAKESLICE:
       n := n.(*ir.MakeExpr)
       return walkMakeSlice(n, init)


  • walkMakeSlice函数中,如果未指定切片的容量Cap,则初始容量等于切片的长度。

  • 如果切片的初始化未发生内存逃逸n.Esc() == ir.EscNone,则会先在内存中创建一个同样容量大小的数组NewArray(), 然后按切片长度将数组中的值arr[:l]赋予切片。

  • 如果发生了内存逃逸,切片会调用运行时函数makeslicemakeslice64在堆中完成对切片的初始化。

// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/walk/builtin.go
func walkMakeSlice(n *ir.MakeExpr, init *ir.Nodes) ir.Node {
   l := n.Len
   r := n.Cap
   if r == nil {
       r = safeExpr(l, init)
       l = r
   if n.Esc() == ir.EscNone {
       if why := escape.HeapAllocReason(n); why != "" {
           base.Fatalf("%v has EscNone, but %v", n, why)
       // var arr [r]T
       // n = arr[:l]
       i := typecheck.IndexConst(r)
       if i < 0 {
           base.Fatalf("walkExpr: invalid index %v", r)
       t = types.NewArray(t.Elem(), i) // [r]T
       var_ := typecheck.Temp(t)
       appendWalkStmt(init, ir.NewAssignStmt(base.Pos, var_, nil))  // zero temp
       r := ir.NewSliceExpr(base.Pos, ir.OSLICE, var_, nil, l, nil) // arr[:l]
       // The conv is necessary in case n.Type is named.
       return walkExpr(typecheck.Expr(typecheck.Conv(r, n.Type())), init)
   // n escapes; set up a call to makeslice.
   // When len and cap can fit into int, use makeslice instead of
   // makeslice64, which is faster and shorter on 32 bit platforms.
   len, cap := l, r
   fnname := "makeslice64"
   argtype := types.Types[types.TINT64]
   // Type checking guarantees that TIDEAL len/cap are positive and fit in an int.
   // The case of len or cap overflow when converting TUINT or TUINTPTR to TINT
   // will be handled by the negative range checks in makeslice during runtime.
   if (len.Type().IsKind(types.TIDEAL) || len.Type().Size() <= types.Types[types.TUINT].Size()) &&
       (cap.Type().IsKind(types.TIDEAL) || cap.Type().Size() <= types.Types[types.TUINT].Size()) {
       fnname = "makeslice"
       argtype = types.Types[types.TINT]
   fn := typecheck.LookupRuntime(fnname)
   ptr := mkcall1(fn, types.Types[types.TUNSAFEPTR], init, reflectdata.TypePtr(t.Elem()), typecheck.Conv(len, argtype), typecheck.Conv(cap, argtype))
   len = typecheck.Conv(len, types.Types[types.TINT])
   cap = typecheck.Conv(cap, types.Types[types.TINT])
   sh := ir.NewSliceHeaderExpr(base.Pos, t, ptr, len, cap)
   return walkExpr(typecheck.Expr(sh), init)

切片在栈中初始化还是在堆中初始化,存在一个临界值进行判断。临界值maxImplicitStackVarSize默认为64kb。从下面的源代码可以看到,显式变量声明explicit variable declarations 和隐式变量implicit variables逃逸的临界值并不一样。

  • 当我们使用var变量声明以及:=赋值操作时,内存逃逸的临界值为10M, 小于该值的对象会分配在栈中。

  • 当我们使用如下操作时,内存逃逸的临界值为64kb,小于该值的对象会分配在栈中。

p := new(T)          
p := &T{}          
s := make([]T, n)    
s := []byte("...")
// go/src/cmd/compile/internal/ir/cfg.go
var (
   // maximum size variable which we will allocate on the stack.
   // This limit is for explicit variable declarations like "var x T" or "x := ...".
   // Note: the flag smallframes can update this value.
   MaxStackVarSize = int64(10 * 1024 * 1024)
   // maximum size of implicit variables that we will allocate on the stack.
   //   p := new(T)          allocating T on the stack
   //   p := &T{}            allocating T on the stack
   //   s := make([]T, n)    allocating [n]T on the stack
   //   s := []byte("...")   allocating [n]byte on the stack
   // Note: the flag smallframes can update this value.
   MaxImplicitStackVarSize = int64(64 * 1024)
   // MaxSmallArraySize is the maximum size of an array which is considered small.
   // Small arrays will be initialized directly with a sequence of constant stores.
   // Large arrays will be initialized by copying from a static temp.
   // 256 bytes was chosen to minimize generated code + statictmp size.
   MaxSmallArraySize = int64(256)

切片的make初始化就属于s := make([]T, n)操作,当切片元素分配的内存大小大于64kb时, 切片会逃逸到堆中进行初始化。此时会调用运行时函数makeslice来完成这一个过程:

// go/src/runtime/slice.go
func makeslice(et *_type, len, cap int) unsafe.Pointer {
   mem, overflow := math.MulUintptr(et.size, uintptr(cap))
   if overflow || mem > maxAlloc || len < 0 || len > cap {
       // NOTE: Produce a 'len out of range' error instead of a
       // 'cap out of range' error when someone does make([]T, bignumber).
       // 'cap out of range' is true too, but since the cap is only being
       // supplied implicitly, saying len is clearer.
       // See golang.org/issue/4085.
       mem, overflow := math.MulUintptr(et.size, uintptr(len))
       if overflow || mem > maxAlloc || len < 0 {
   return mallocgc(mem, et, true)


// go/src/runtime/slice.go
type slice struct {
   array unsafe.Pointer
   len   int
   cap   int
// 或者
// go/src/reflect/value.go
// SliceHeader is the runtime representation of a slice.
type SliceHeader struct {
   Data uintptr
   Len  int
   Cap  int



slic := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slic1 := slic[:2]
fmt.Printf("slic1: %v\n", slic1)
slic[0] = 0
fmt.Printf("slic: %v\n", slic)
fmt.Printf("slic1: %v\n", slic1)
// slic1: [1 2]
// slic: [0 2 3 4 5]
// slic1: [0 2]


  • 长度为截取的范围

  • 容量为截取起始位置到原切片末尾的范围

slic := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
slic1 := slic[:2]
slic2 := slic[2:]
fmt.Printf("len(slic): %v\n", len(slic))
fmt.Printf("cap(slic): %v\n", cap(slic))
fmt.Printf("len(slic1): %v\n", len(slic1))
fmt.Printf("cap(slic1): %v\n", cap(slic1))
fmt.Printf("len(slic2): %v\n", len(slic2))
fmt.Printf("cap(slic2): %v\n", cap(slic2))
// len(slic): 5
// cap(slic): 5

// len(slic1): 2
// cap(slic1): 5

// len(slic2): 3
// cap(slic2): 3


slic := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
s := slic  // 等价于 s := slic[:]




slic := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
var slic1 []int
copy(slic1, slic)
fmt.Printf("slic: %p\n", slic)
fmt.Printf("slic1: %p\n", slic1)
// slic: 0xc0000aa030
// slic1: 0x0


// go/src/runtime/slice.go
func slicecopy(toPtr unsafe.Pointer, toLen int, fromPtr unsafe.Pointer, fromLen int, width uintptr) int {
   if fromLen == 0 || toLen == 0 {
       return 0

n := fromLen
   if toLen < n {
       n = toLen
   if size == 1 { // common case worth about 2x to do here
       // TODO: is this still worth it with new memmove impl?
       *(*byte)(toPtr) = *(*byte)(fromPtr) // known to be a byte pointer
   } else {
       memmove(toPtr, fromPtr, size)
   return n



func growslice(et *_type, old slice, cap int) slice {
   newcap := old.cap
   doublecap := newcap + newcap
   if cap > doublecap {
       newcap = cap
   } else {
       const threshold = 256
       if old.cap < threshold {
           newcap = doublecap
       } else {
           // Check 0 < newcap to detect overflow
           // and prevent an infinite loop.
           for 0 < newcap && newcap < cap {
               // Transition from growing 2x for small slices
               // to growing 1.25x for large slices. This formula
               // gives a smooth-ish transition between the two.
               newcap += (newcap + 3*threshold) / 4
           // Set newcap to the requested cap when
           // the newcap calculation overflowed.
           if newcap <= 0 {
               newcap = cap
   memmove(p, old.array, lenmem)
   return slice{p, old.len, newcap}


  • 当新申请的容量(cap)大于二倍旧容量(old.cap)时,最终容量(newcap)是新申请的容量;

  • 当新申请的容量(cap)小于二倍旧容量(old.cap)时,

    • 如果旧容量小于256,最终容量为旧容量的2倍;

    • 如果旧容量大于等于256,则会按照公式newcap += (newcap + 3*threshold) / 4来确定最终容量。实际的表现为:

  1. 当切片长度小于等于1024时,最终容量是旧容量的2倍;

  2. 当切片长度大于1024时,最终容量是旧容量的1.25倍,随着长度的增长,大于1.25倍;

  3. 扩容后,会通过memmove()函数将旧的数组移动到新的地址,因此扩容后新的切片一般和原来的地址不同。


var slic []int
oldCap := cap(slic)
for i := 0; i < 2048; i++ {
 slic = append(slic, i)
 newCap := cap(slic)
 grow := float32(newCap) / float32(oldCap)
 if newCap != oldCap {
   fmt.Printf("len(slic):%v cap(slic):%v grow:%v %p\n", len(slic), cap(slic), grow, slic)
 oldCap = newCap
// len(slic):1     cap(slic):1     grow:+Inf       0xc0000140c0
// len(slic):2     cap(slic):2     grow:2          0xc0000140e0
// len(slic):3     cap(slic):4     grow:2          0xc000020100
// len(slic):5     cap(slic):8     grow:2          0xc00001e340
// len(slic):9     cap(slic):16    grow:2          0xc000026080
// len(slic):17    cap(slic):32    grow:2          0xc00007e000
// len(slic):33    cap(slic):64    grow:2          0xc000100000
// len(slic):65    cap(slic):128   grow:2          0xc000102000
// len(slic):129   cap(slic):256   grow:2          0xc000104000
// len(slic):257   cap(slic):512   grow:2          0xc000106000
// len(slic):513   cap(slic):1024  grow:2          0xc000108000
// len(slic):1025  cap(slic):1280  grow:1.25       0xc00010a000
// len(slic):1281  cap(slic):1696  grow:1.325      0xc000114000
// len(slic):1697  cap(slic):2304  grow:1.3584906  0xc00011e000
type slice struct {
 array unsafe.Pointer
 len   int
 cap   int
  • 切片字面量初始化时,会在编译时的类型检查阶段计算出切片的长度,然后在walk遍历语法树时创建底层数组,并将切片中的每个字面量元素按索引赋值给数组,切片的数据指针指向该数组;

  • 切片make初始化时,会调用运行时makeslice函数进行内存分配,当内存占用大于64kb时会逃逸到堆中;

  • 切片截取后,底层数组数据没有发生变化,但指向的数据范围发生了变化,表现为截取后的切片长度、容量会相应发生变化:

    • 长度为截取的范围

    • 容量为截取起始位置到原切片末尾的范围

  • 使用copy复制切片时,会在运行时会调用slicecopy()函数,通过memmove移动数据到了新的内存地址;

  • 切片扩容是通过运行时growslice函数完成的,一般表现为:

    • 当切片长度小于等于1024时,最终容量是旧容量的2倍;

    • 当切片长度大于1024时,最终容量是旧容量的1.25倍,并随着长度的增长,缓慢大于1.25倍;

    • 扩容时会通过memmove()函数将旧的数组移动到新的地址,因此扩容后地址会发生变化。




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