Firefox 下 innerHTML 的一个 BUG

作者:blank 来源:怿飞blog 时间:2008-08-05 18:19:00 

今天同事 明城 在项目中碰到一个 BUG,代码具体如下:

当你在 Firefox2.0+ 或 Firefox3.0+ 中点击链接后,会发现 innerHTML 插入的内容为<a>21</a>,而其他浏览器测试(IE6、IE7、Safari3.0+、Opera9.0+)都正常,插入内容均为文字 21。

估计是 Firefox 的一个 BUG,查找了官方网站的 BUG库,果真找到别人提交的该类问题——《Setting innerHTML on a block element inside an inline element creates extra copies of the inline element》(Bug 381808)。

我们可以参阅下8楼的 Boris Zbarsky 给出的个人解释:

There are two separate concepts of block vs inline. One in CSS and one in
HTML. They don’t match.

In any case, the point is that in HTML <b> is not allowed to contain <div> (so
the <b> needs to get closed), but the text needs to be bold for compat so we do
residual style handling. HTML5 is going to define a different method of doing
this anyway, so at that point we’ll need to revisit this bug.

虽然这是一个 BUG,但 BUG 的造成也却是人为的不良习惯造成的,在 WEB 标准中严格来说内联元素是不允许包含块级元素的(扩展阅读:《Allowed nesting of elements in HTML 4 Strict (and XHTML 1.0 Strict)》)。



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