
时间:2009-07-10 13:06:00 

on error resume next

dim conn,sql,rs

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & Server.MapPath("data/note.mdb")

'strconn = "driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};dbq="& server.mappath("fenye.mdb")
'set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
' strconn

if err then
    set err = nothing
    response.write ("数据库链接出错")
end if

sql = "select * from say Order by time DESC"
set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
rs.activeconnection = conn
rs.source = sql
rs.cursortype = 1
rs.locktype =1

rs.pagesize = 20 '每页显示的几条数据
if request("Page")<>"" then
    page = int(request("page"))
    if page<1 then page = 1
    if page>rs.pagecount then page = rs.pagecount
    page = 1
end if

rs.absolutepage = page '设置当前页

for i = 0 to rs.pagesize -1
if rs.eof and rs.bof then exit for      '显示数据

response.write "<a href = 1.asp>首页</a> "
response.write "<a href = 1.asp?page="&page-1&">上一页</a> "
' 重要部分,每次显示 9 个数字分页链接
if page >8 and rs.pagecount > 9 then   '判断点击页大于8 并且记录集页数大于9时
    if (page + 4)> rs.pagecount then         '当点击页加上4 (4 的来历为 8/2) 大于 记录集是
        pagenow = rs.pagecount - 8             '首次数字显示页码
    else                                                            '否则
        pagenow = page - 4                           '点击页 减 4 (4 的来历为 8/2) 为了让点击页码
    end if
    for b = 1 to 9                                            '每次显示9 条记录
        response.write "<a href=?page="&pagenow&">"&pagenow&"</a>&nbsp;"
        pagenow = pagenow+1
    if rs.pagecount<9 then                '当记录集小于9时
        for b = 1 to rs.pagecount        '显示数字分页码    
            response.write "<a href=?page="&b&">"&b&"</a>&nbsp;"
    else                                '当记录集大于9时 但当前页小于9时 执行
        for b = 1 to 9
            response.write "<a href=?page="&b&">"&b&"</a>&nbsp;"
    end if
end if
response.write "<a href = 1.asp?page="&page+1&">下一页</a> "
response.write "<a href = 1.asp?page="&rs.pagecount&">尾页</a>"

response.write "<br><br>"

'根据上面的讲解 我们把他做成一个函数 可重复调用

call fenye(page,rs.pagecount,7,"page") '调用函数

'定义函数 page 为当前点击页,maxcount 为记录集总数,a 为显示条目数,p为get变量
'此定义函数对照上面所注释的 就很好理解了...
'不明白的 联系我
function fenye(page,maxcount,a,p)
response.write "<a href ='?"&p&"=1'>首页</a> "
response.write "<a href = ?"&p&"="&page-1&">上一页</a> "
if page>a-1 and maxcount >a then
    if (page+int((a-1)/2))>maxcount then
        pagenow = maxcount - a+1
        pagenow = page - int((a-1)/2)
    end if
    for i = 1 to a
        response.write "<a href=?"&p&"="&pagenow&">"&pagenow&"</a>&nbsp;"
        pagenow = pagenow + 1
    if maxcount < a then
    for i = 1 to maxcount
        response.write "<a href=?"&p&"="&i&">"&i&"</a>&nbsp;"
    for i = 1 to a
        response.write "<a href=?"&p&"="&i&">"&i&"</a>&nbsp;"
    end if
end if
response.write "<a href = ?"&p&"="&page+1&">下一页</a> "
response.write "<a href = ?"&p&"="&maxcount&">尾页</a>"
end function



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