SQL Server 2008主要功能在兼容性上的问题
作者:yan 来源:赛迪网 发布时间:2009-03-25 16:43:00
在许多情况下,当迁移至SQL Server 2008之前必须了解那些反对和放弃功能的具体情况。
1.SQL Server Database Engine Backward Compatibility
[反对] - Deprecated Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2008
[放弃] - Discontinued Database Engine Functionality in SQL Server 2008
[破坏变化] - Breaking Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2008
[行为变化] - Behavior Changes to Database Engine Features in SQL Server 2008
2.SQL Server Analysis Services Backward Compatibility
[放弃] - Discontinued Analysis Services Functionality in SQL Server 2008
[反对] - Deprecated Analysis Services Functionality in SQL Server 2008
[行为变化] - Behavior Changes to Analysis Services Features in SQL Server 2008
[破坏变化] - Breaking Changes to Analysis Services Features in SQL Server 2008
3.Integration Services Backward Compatibility
[反对] - Deprecated Integration Services Features in SQL Server 2008
[放弃] - Discontinued Integration Services Functionality in SQL Server 2008
[破坏变化] - Breaking Changes to Integration Services Features in SQL Server 2008
[行为] - Behavior Changes to Integration Services Features in SQL Server 2008
[支持数据转换服务] - Support for Data Transformation Services (DTS) in SQL Server 2008
4.Reporting Services Backward Compatibility
[反对] - Deprecated Features in SQL Server Reporting Services
[放弃] - Discontinued Functionality in SQL Server Reporting Services
[破坏变化] - Breaking Changes in SQL Server Reporting Services
[行为变化] - Behavior Changes in SQL Server Reporting Services
5.Replication Backward Compatibility
[反对] - Deprecated Features in SQL Server Replication
[放弃] - Discontinued Functionality in SQL Server Replication
[行为变化] - Behavior Changes in SQL Server Replication
[破坏变化] - Breaking Changes in SQL Server Replication
[支持Replication数据到不同版本的SQL Server数据库] - Using Multiple Versions of SQL Server in a Replication Topology
6.Full-Text Search Backward Compatibility
[反对] - Deprecated Full-Text Search Features in SQL Server 2008
[放弃] - Discontinued Full-Text Search Features in SQL Server 2008
[破坏变化] - Breaking Changes to Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008
[行为变化] - Behavior Changes to Full-Text Search in SQL Server 2008
升级前使用Upgrade Advisor to Prepare工具可以分析当前SQL Server的安装情况,可以生成一个提示升级前后需要修补的问题的报表。

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