位置:首页>> 网络编程>> Python编程>> VTK与Python实现机械臂三维模型可视化详解


作者:冬木远景  发布时间:2021-11-03 19:36:02 


三维可视化系统的建立依赖于三维图形平台, 如 OpenGL、VTK、OGRE、OSG等, 传统的方法多采用OpenGL进行底层编程,即对其特有的函数进行定量操作, 需要开发人员熟悉相关函数, 从而造成了开发难度大、 周期长等问题。VTK、 ORGE、OSG等平台使用封装更好的函数简化了开发过程。下面将使用Python与VTK进行机器人上位机监控界面的快速原型开发。

完整的上位机程序需要有三维显示模块、机器人信息监测模块(位置/角度/速度/电量/温度/错误信息...)、通信模块(串口/USB/WIFI/蓝牙...)、控制模块等功能模块。三维显示模块主要用于实时显示机器人的姿态(或位置)信息。比如机器人上肢手臂抬起,程序界面中的虚拟机器人也会同时进行同样的动作。三维显示模块也可以用于对机器人进行控制,实现良好的人机交互。比如在三维图像界面中可以点击拾取机器人某一关节,拖拽部件(肢体)控制真实的机器人完成同样的运动。Aldebaran Robotics的图形化编程软件Choregraphe可以完成上述的一些功能对NAO机器人进行控制。




1. 当从外界读入STL类型的模型时,其会按照它内部的坐标位置进行显示,因此它的位置和大小是确定的。为了以后的定位以及移动、旋转等操作的方便,需要先在SolidWorks中创建一个坐标系。如下图所示,坐标系建立在大臂关节中心点。

2. 如果将装配体整体输出为一个STL文件,则导入VTK后无法控制零部件进行相对运动。因此,需要将装配体各可动部件分别导出。





#!/usr/bin/env python
import vtk
import math
from vtk.util.colors import *
filenames = ["upperarm.stl","forearm.stl"]
dt = 1.0    # degree step in rotation
angle = [0, 0] # shoulder and elbow joint angle
renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
assembly = vtk.vtkAssembly()
slider_shoulder = vtk.vtkSliderRepresentation2D()
slider_elbow = vtk.vtkSliderRepresentation2D()
actor = list() # the list of links
# Customize vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera
class MyInteractor(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera):
 def __init__(self,parent=None):
 # Override the default key operations which currently handle trackball or joystick styles is provided
 # OnChar is triggered when an ASCII key is pressed. Some basic key presses are handled here
 def OnCharEvent(self,obj,event):
 def OnKeyPressEvent(self,obj,event):
   global angle
   # Get the compound key strokes for the event
   key = self.GetInteractor().GetKeySym()
   # Output the key that was pressed
   #print "Pressed: " , key
   # Handle an arrow key
   if(key == "Left"):
   if(key == "Right"):
   if(key == "Up"):
     angle[0] += dt
     if angle[0] >= 360.0:
       angle[0] -= 360.0
   if(key == "Down"):
     angle[0] -= dt
     if angle[0] < 0.0:
       angle[0] += 360.0
   # Ask each renderer owned by this RenderWindow to render its image and synchronize this process
def LoadSTL(filename):
 reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader()
 mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() # maps polygonal data to graphics primitives
 actor = vtk.vtkLODActor()
 return actor  # represents an entity in a rendered scene
def CreateCoordinates():
 # create coordinate axes in the render window
 axes = vtk.vtkAxesActor()
 axes.SetTotalLength(100, 100, 100) # Set the total length of the axes in 3 dimensions
 # Set the type of the shaft to a cylinder:0, line:1, or user defined geometry.
 #axes.SetAxisLabels(0) # Enable:1/disable:0 drawing the axis labels
 #transform = vtk.vtkTransform()
 #transform.Translate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
 #axes.GetXAxisCaptionActor2D().GetCaptionTextProperty().BoldOff() # disable text bolding
 return axes
def ShoulderSliderCallback(obj,event):
 sliderRepres = obj.GetRepresentation()
 pos = sliderRepres.GetValue()

def ElbowSliderCallback(obj,event):
 sliderRepres = obj.GetRepresentation()
 pos = sliderRepres.GetValue()
def ConfigSlider(sliderRep, TitleText, Yaxes):
 sliderRep.SetValue(0.0) # Specify the current value for the widget
 sliderRep.SetTitleText(TitleText) # Specify the label text for this widget
 sliderRep.GetSliderProperty().SetColor(1,0,0) # Change the color of the knob that slides
 sliderRep.GetSelectedProperty().SetColor(0,0,1) # Change the color of the knob when the mouse is held on it
 sliderRep.GetTubeProperty().SetColor(1,1,0) # Change the color of the bar
 sliderRep.GetCapProperty().SetColor(0,1,1) # Change the color of the ends of the bar
 #sliderRep.GetTitleProperty().SetColor(1,0,0) # Change the color of the text displaying the value
 # Position the first end point of the slider
 sliderRep.GetPoint1Coordinate().SetValue(50, Yaxes)
 # Position the second end point of the slider
 sliderRep.GetPoint2Coordinate().SetValue(400, Yaxes)
 sliderRep.SetSliderLength(0.02) # Specify the length of the slider shape.The slider length by default is 0.05
 sliderRep.SetSliderWidth(0.02) # Set the width of the slider in the directions orthogonal to the slider axis

sliderRep.ShowSliderLabelOn() # display the slider text label

sliderWidget = vtk.vtkSliderWidget()

return sliderWidget
def CreateGround():
 # create plane source
 plane = vtk.vtkPlaneSource()
 # mapper
 mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()

# actor
 actor = vtk.vtkActor()
 #actor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(0.4) # 1.0 is totally opaque and 0.0 is completely transparent
 # Load in the texture map. A texture is any unsigned char image.
 bmpReader = vtk.vtkBMPReader()
 texture = vtk.vtkTexture()
 transform = vtk.vtkTransform()
 transform.Scale(2000,2000, 1)
 return actor  
def CreateScene():
 # Create a rendering window and renderer
 ren = vtk.vtkRenderer()
 #renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
 # Create a renderwindowinteractor
 iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
 style = MyInteractor()
 for id, file in enumerate(filenames):
   r = vtk.vtkMath.Random(.4, 1.0)
   g = vtk.vtkMath.Random(.4, 1.0)
   b = vtk.vtkMath.Random(.4, 1.0)
   actor[id].GetProperty().SetDiffuseColor(r, g, b)
   # Add the actors to the scene
 # Also set the origin, position and orientation of assembly in space.
 assembly.SetOrigin(0, 0, 0) # This is the point about which all rotations take place
 #assembly.AddPosition(0, 0, 0)
 actor[1].SetOrigin(274, 0, 0) # initial elbow joint position
 # Add coordinates
 axes = CreateCoordinates()

# Add ground
 ground = CreateGround()

# Add slider to control the robot
 sliderWidget_shoulder = ConfigSlider(slider_shoulder,"Shoulder Joint", 80)
 sliderWidget_shoulder.AddObserver("InteractionEvent", ShoulderSliderCallback)

sliderWidget_elbow = ConfigSlider(slider_elbow,"Elbow Joint", 160)
 sliderWidget_elbow.AddObserver("InteractionEvent", ElbowSliderCallback)

# Set background color
 ren.SetBackground(.2, .2, .2)

# Set window size
 renWin.SetSize(600, 600)

# Set up the camera to get a particular view of the scene
 camera = vtk.vtkCamera()
 camera.SetFocalPoint(300, 0, 0)
 camera.SetPosition(300, -400, 350)
 camera.SetViewUp(0, 1, 0)
 # Enable user interface interactor
if __name__ == "__main__":













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