Python的高级Git库 Gittle
作者:mdxy-dxy 发布时间:2023-06-14 14:52:05
Gittle是一个高级纯python git 库。构建在dulwich之上,提供了大部分的低层机制。
Install it
pip install gittle
Examples :
Clone a repository
from gittle import Gittle repo_path = '/tmp/gittle_bare'repo_url = 'git://' repo = Gittle.clone(repo_url, repo_path)
With authentication (see Authentication section for more information) :
auth = GittleAuth(pkey=key)Gittle.clone(repo_url, repo_path, auth=auth)
Or clone bare repository (no working directory) :
repo = Gittle.clone(repo_url, repo_path, bare=True)
Init repository from a path
repo = Gittle.init(path)
Get repository information
# Get list of objectsrepo.commits # Get list of branchesrepo.branches # Get list of modified files (in current working directory)repo.modified_files # Get diff between latest commitsrepo.diff('HEAD', 'HEAD~1')
# Stage single filerepo.stage('file.txt') # Stage multiple filesrepo.stage(['other1.txt', 'other2.txt']) # Do the commitrepo.commit(name="Samy Pesse", email="", message="This is a commit")
repo = Gittle(repo_path, origin_uri=repo_url) # Authentication with RSA private keykey_file = open('/Users/Me/keys/rsa/private_rsa')repo.auth(pkey=key_file) # Do pullrepo.pull()
repo = Gittle(repo_path, origin_uri=repo_url) # Authentication with RSA private keykey_file = open('/Users/Me/keys/rsa/private_rsa')repo.auth(pkey=key_file) # Do pushrepo.push()
Authentication for remote operations
# With a keykey_file = open('/Users/Me/keys/rsa/private_rsa')repo.auth(pkey=key_file) # With username and passwordrepo.auth(username="your_name", password="your_password")
# Create branch off masterrepo.create_branch('dev', 'master') # Checkout the branchrepo.switch_branch('dev') # Create an empty branch (like 'git checkout --orphan')repo.create_orphan_branch('NewBranchName') # Print a list of branchesprint(repo.branches) # Remove a branchrepo.remove_branch('dev') # Print a list of branchesprint(repo.branches)
Get file version
versions = repo.get_file_versions('gittle/')print("Found %d versions out of a total of %d commits" % (len(versions), repo.commit_count()))
Get list of modified files (in current working directory)
Count number of commits
Get information for commits
List commits :
# Get 20 first commits repo.commit_info(start=0, end=20)
With a given commit :
commit = "a2105a0d528bf770021de874baf72ce36f6c3ccc"
Diff with another commit :
old_commit = repo.get_previous_commit(commit, n=1)print repo.diff(commit, old_commit)
Explore commit files using :
commit = "a2105a0d528bf770021de874baf72ce36f6c3ccc" # Files treeprint repo.commit_tree(commit) # List files in a subpathprint repo.commit_ls(commit, "testdir") # Read a fileprint repo.commit_file(commit, "testdir/test.txt")
Create a GIT server
from gittle import GitServer # Read onlyGitServer('/', 'localhost').serve_forever() # Read/WriteGitServer('/', 'localhost', perm='rw').serve_forever()
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