
作者:mdxy-dxy 时间:2023-08-02 19:06:53 

import os import re import datetime

re_st = r'(\d+)\+\s?\((\d+)\)'
#用于匹配旧的文件名,需含分组 re_match_old_file_name = re.compile(re_st)
#要修改的目录 WORKING_PATH = r'F:\Gallery'

def rename_fomat(name):
 if name:
   re_rn = re_match_old_file_name.findall(name)
   if re_rn and re_rn != []:
     re_rn = re_rn[0]
     num = int(re_rn)
     new_nm = u'NO.%04d' % ( num)
     return new_nm
def logs(error):
 log = ''
 LOG_FILE = open(r'./log.txt', 'a')
 live_info ="""
Time : %s
title : %s
Path :
""" % (,
 log += live_info
 errors = error['error_paths']
 for item in errors:
   item = '%s\n' % item
   log += item
 log = log.encode('utf-8')
 except IOError:
   print u'写入日志失败'
def rename(old, new):
   0:rename success
   1:the new path is exists
   -1:rename failed
 if not os.path.exists(new):
     os.renames(old, new)
     return 0
   except IOError:
     print 'path error:', new
     return -1
   return 1
def get_dirs(path):
 if os.path.exists(path):
   return os.listdir(path)
   return -1

def get_input_result(word, choice):
 correct_result = set(choice)
 word = '===%s?\n[in]:' % (word)
 while True:
   in_choice = raw_input(word)
   if in_choice in correct_result: return in_choice

def batch_rename(index, dirs = []):
 index = unicode(index)
 errors = []
 if dirs == []:
   dirs = get_dirs(path = index)
 if dirs and dirs != []:
   for item in dirs:
     item = unicode(item)
     new_name = rename_fomat(item)
     if new_name :
       old_pt = u'%s\\%s'% (index, item)
       new_pt = u'%s\\%s'% (index, new_name)
       res_rn = rename(old_pt, new_pt)
       if res_rn != 0:
   if errors and errors != []:
     print 'Rename Failed:'
       'index': index,
       'title': 'Rename Failed' ,
       'error_paths': errors,
     for i, item in enumerate(errors):
       print item, '|',
       if i % 5 == 4:
         print ''
     print ''
   return -1
def batch_rename_test(index):
 index = unicode(index)
 errors = []
 correct = []
 dirs = get_dirs(path = index)
 if dirs and dirs != []:
   for x, item in enumerate(dirs):
     item = unicode(item)
     new_name = rename_fomat(item)
     if new_name :
       old_pt = u'%s\\%s'% (index, item)
       new_pt = u'%s\\%s'% (index, new_name)
       print '[%d]O: %s' % ( x + 1, old_pt)
       print '[%d]N: %s' % ( x + 1, new_pt)
   if errors and errors != []:
     print 'Not Match:'
       'index': index,
       'title': 'Not Match',
       'error_paths': errors,
     for i, item in enumerate(errors):
       print item, '|',
       if i % 5 == 4:
         print ''
     print ''
 return correct
def manage(index):
 file_filter = batch_rename_test(index)
 do_choice = get_input_result(
   word = 'Do with this(y / n)',
   choice = ['y', 'n']
 if do_choice == 'y':
   batch_rename(index, dirs= file_filter)
 print 'Finished !'

if __name__ == '__main__':
 manage(index = path)


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