
作者:倾城一少 时间:2023-10-04 04:03:37 




# coding=utf-8
import sys
import cv2
import functions as fun
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
   if sys.argv.__len__() >= 2:
       if sys.argv[1] == 'help' or sys.argv[1] == 'HELP':
           print("Function description:")
           print("Join several bands into one file.")
           print("\nUsage instruction:")
           print("example.exe [img_dir] [img_type] [out_path]")
           print("[img_dir]:The input dir that contains band data.")
           print("[img_type]:The file type of band data,tif or png etc.")
           print("[out_path]:The filename of joined image.")
           print("Please note that these band data should have same height and width.")
           print("\nUsage example:")
           print("Tool_JoinBands.exe C:\\tif tif C:\\tifout\\joined.tif")
           img_dir = sys.argv[1]
           img_type = sys.argv[2]
           out_path = sys.argv[3]
           paths, names, files = fun.findAllFiles(img_dir, img_type)
           bands_data = []
           # 对于tif文件,统一用gdal打开并输出为tif文件
           if img_type.endswith('tif') or img_type.endswith('TIF') or img_type.endswith('TIFF') or img_type.endswith(
               for i in range(files.__len__()):
                   band_data = fun.readTifImage(files[i])
                   print("joined " + (i + 1).__str__() + " bands.")
               print(bands_data.__len__().__str__() + " bands in total.")
               fun.writeTif(bands_data, out_path)
           # 对于所有其它类型的文件,如jpg、png等,统一用OpenCV处理
               for i in range(files.__len__()):
                   band_data = cv2.imread(files[i], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
               print("Open image success.")
               data = cv2.merge((bands_data[0], bands_data[1], bands_data[2]))
               cv2.imwrite(out_path, data)
               print("Save image success.")
       print("Unknown mode, input 'yourExeName.exe help' to get help information.")



# coding=utf-8
import sys
import os
import cv2
import functions as fun
if __name__ == '__main__':
   if sys.argv.__len__() >= 2:
       if sys.argv[1] == 'help' or sys.argv[1] == 'HELP':
           print("Function description:")
           print("Separate and save different band data in one image file.")
           print("\nUsage instruction:")
           print("example.exe [img_path] [out_dir]")
           print("[img_path]:The filename of input image.")
           print("[output_dir]:The output dir for different band images.")
           print("\nUsage example:")
           print("Tool_SeparateBands.exe C:\\tif\\input.tif C:\\tifout")
           img_path = sys.argv[1]
           output_dir = sys.argv[2]
           # 对于tif文件,统一用gdal打开并输出为tif文件
           if img_path.endswith('tif') or img_path.endswith('TIF') or img_path.endswith('TIFF') or img_path.endswith(
               bands_data = fun.readTifImage(img_path)
               for i in range(bands_data.__len__()):
                   fun.writeTif([bands_data[i]], output_dir + os.path.sep + "band_" + i.__str__().zfill(2) + ".tif")
                   print("saved " + (i + 1).__str__() + "/" + bands_data.__len__().__str__())
           # 对于所有其它类型的文件,如jpg、png等,统一用OpenCV处理
               img = cv2.imread(img_path)
               print("Open image success.")
               band_b, band_g, band_r = cv2.split(img)
               cv2.imwrite(output_dir + os.path.sep + "band_b.png", band_b)
               cv2.imwrite(output_dir + os.path.sep + "band_g.png", band_g)
               cv2.imwrite(output_dir + os.path.sep + "band_r.png", band_r)
               print("Save image success.")
       print("Unknown mode, input 'yourExeName.exe help' to get help information.")




# coding=utf-8
import sys
import cv2
import functions as fun
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
   if sys.argv.__len__() >= 2:
       if sys.argv[1] == 'help' or sys.argv[1] == 'HELP':
           print("Function description:")
           print("Select and cut the ROI(region of interest) in a big image file.")
           print("\nUsage instruction:")
           print("example.exe [img_path] [out_path] [start_x] [start_y] [x_range] [y_range]")
           print("[img_path]:The filename of input image.")
           print("[out_path]:The filename of output image.")
           print("[start_x]:The x coordinate of ROI's left-top point in big image.")
           print("[start_y]:The y coordinate of ROI's left-top point in big image.")
           print("[x_range]:The range of ROI in x direction(width).")
           print("[y_range]:The range of ROI in y direction(height).")
           print("\nUsage example:")
           print("Tool_ResizeIMG.exe C:\\tif\\input.tif C:\\tifout\\roi.tif 100 200 3000 4000")
           img_path = sys.argv[1]
           out_path = sys.argv[2]
           start_x = int(sys.argv[3])
           start_y = int(sys.argv[4])
           x_range = int(sys.argv[5])
           y_range = int(sys.argv[6])
           # 对于tif文件,统一用gdal打开并输出为tif文件
           if img_path.endswith('tif') or img_path.endswith('TIF') or img_path.endswith('TIFF') or img_path.endswith(
               bands_data = fun.readTifImageWithWindow(img_path, start_x, start_y, x_range, y_range)
               fun.writeTif(bands_data, out_path)
           # 对于所有其它类型的文件,如jpg、png等,统一用OpenCV处理
               bands_data = cv2.imread(img_path)
               print("Open image success.")
               bands_data_roi = bands_data[start_y:start_y + y_range, start_x:start_x + x_range, :]
               cv2.imwrite(out_path, bands_data_roi)
               print("Save image success.")
       print("Unknown mode, input 'yourExeName.exe help' to get help information.")



# coding=utf-8
import sys
import cv2
import functions as fun
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
   if sys.argv.__len__() >= 2:
       if sys.argv[1] == 'help' or sys.argv[1] == 'HELP':
           print("Function description:")
           print("Select and cut the ROI(region of interest) in big image files(Batch mode).")
           print("\nUsage instruction:")
           print("example.exe [img_dir] [img_type] [output_dir] [start_x] [start_y] [x_range] [y_range]")
           print("[img_dir]:The input dir that contains band data.")
           print("[img_type]:The file type of band data,tif or png etc.")
           print("[output_dir]:The output dir for ROI images.")
           print("[start_x]:The x coordinate of ROI's left-top point in big image.")
           print("[start_y]:The y coordinate of ROI's left-top point in big image.")
           print("[x_range]:The range of ROI in x direction(width).")
           print("[y_range]:The range of ROI in y direction(height).")
           print("\nUsage example:")
           print("Tool_ResizeIMG_Batch.exe C:\\tif tif C:\\tifout 100 200 3000 4000")
           img_dir = sys.argv[1]
           img_type = sys.argv[2]
           out_dir = sys.argv[3]
           start_x = int(sys.argv[4])
           start_y = int(sys.argv[5])
           x_range = int(sys.argv[6])
           y_range = int(sys.argv[7])
           paths, names, files = fun.findAllFiles(img_dir, img_type)
           # 对于tif文件,统一用gdal打开并输出为tif文件
           if img_type.endswith('tif') or img_type.endswith('TIF') or img_type.endswith('TIFF') or img_type.endswith(
               for i in range(files.__len__()):
                   bands_data = fun.readTifImageWithWindow(files[i], start_x, start_y, x_range, y_range)
                   fun.writeTif(bands_data, out_dir + os.path.sep + names[i][:names[i].rfind('.')] + "_cut.tif")
                   print("cutting " + (i + 1).__str__() + "/" + files.__len__().__str__())
               print('cut finished.')
           # 对于所有其它类型的文件,如jpg、png等,统一用OpenCV处理
               for i in range(files.__len__()):
                   bands_data = cv2.imread(files[i])
                   bands_data_roi = bands_data[start_y:start_y + y_range, start_x:start_x + x_range, :]
                   cv2.imwrite(out_dir + os.path.sep + "band_" + (i + 1).__str__().zfill(2) + ".jpg", bands_data_roi)
                   print("cutting " + (i + 1).__str__() + "/" + files.__len__())
               print('cut finished.')
       print("Unknown mode, input 'yourExeName.exe help' to get help information.")





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