
作者:Hongten 时间:2023-05-11 18:49:12 






# A parallelized "find(1)" using the thread module.
# This demonstrates the use of a work queue and worker threads.
# It really does do more stats/sec when using multiple threads,
# although the improvement is only about 20-30 percent.
# (That was 8 years ago. In 2002, on Linux, I can't measure
# a speedup. :-( )
# I'm too lazy to write a command line parser for the full find(1)
# command line syntax, so the predicate it searches for is wired-in,
# see function selector() below. (It currently searches for files with
# world write permission.)
# Usage: [-w nworkers] [directory] ...
# Default nworkers is 4
import sys
import getopt
import time
import os
from stat import *
import _thread as thread
# Work queue class. Usage:
#  wq = WorkQ()
#  wq.addwork(func, (arg1, arg2, ...)) # one or more calls
# The work is done when completes.
# The function calls executed by the workers may add more work.
# Don't use keyboard interrupts!
class WorkQ:
 # Invariants:
 # - busy and work are only modified when mutex is locked
 # - len(work) is the number of jobs ready to be taken
 # - busy is the number of jobs being done
 # - todo is locked iff there is no work and somebody is busy
 def __init__(self):
   self.mutex = thread.allocate()
   self.todo = thread.allocate()
   self.todo.acquire() = []
   self.busy = 0
 def addwork(self, func, args):
   job = (func, args)
   if len( == 1:
 def _getwork(self):
   if self.busy == 0 and len( == 0:
     return None
   job =[0]
   self.busy = self.busy + 1
   if len( > 0:
   return job
 def _donework(self):
   self.busy = self.busy - 1
   if self.busy == 0 and len( == 0:
 def _worker(self):
   time.sleep(0.00001)   # Let other threads run
   while 1:
     job = self._getwork()
     if not job:
     func, args = job
 def run(self, nworkers):
   if not
     return # Nothing to do
   for i in range(nworkers-1):
     thread.start_new(self._worker, ())
# Main program
def main():
 nworkers = 4
 #print(getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-w:'))
 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-w:')
 for opt, arg in opts:
   if opt == '-w':
     nworkers = int(arg)
 if not args:
   args = [os.curdir]
 wq = WorkQ()
 for dir in args:
   wq.addwork(find, (dir, selector, wq))
 t1 = time.time()
 t2 = time.time()
 sys.stderr.write('Total time %r sec.\n' % (t2-t1))
# The predicate -- defines what files we look for.
# Feel free to change this to suit your purpose
def selector(dir, name, fullname, stat):
 # Look for world writable files that are not symlinks
 return (stat[ST_MODE] & 0o002) != 0 and not S_ISLNK(stat[ST_MODE])
# The find procedure -- calls wq.addwork() for subdirectories
def find(dir, pred, wq):
   names = os.listdir(dir)
 except os.error as msg:
   print(repr(dir), ':', msg)
 for name in names:
   if name not in (os.curdir, os.pardir):
     fullname = os.path.join(dir, name)
       stat = os.lstat(fullname)
     except os.error as msg:
       print(repr(fullname), ':', msg)
     if pred(dir, name, fullname, stat):
     if S_ISDIR(stat[ST_MODE]):
       if not os.path.ismount(fullname):
         wq.addwork(find, (fullname, pred, wq))
# Call the main program




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